Chapter 5

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"Have a seat, Ms. Jauregui," the principal says sternly. Lauren sits in one of the chairs in front of his oak desk. He sighs, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes stressfully before putting them back on. "Lauren, you're a good kid. What went wrong today? What the hell happened?" he asks.

"I'm tired of Stacy DiLaurentis walking around and making people hate themselves and get away with it. I ignored her when she did it to me but, watching her do it to... one of my close friends... It just made me so angry. Camila is a very sensitive person, even if it seem like she's strong willed. She's a quiet girl that keeps to herself, so I know she didn't do anything to deserve Stacy and the cheer team treating her like that. She's the sweetest person I've ever met, Mr. Holman," Lauren says sincerely.

"Okay, so Ms. DiLaurentis was harassing students," he repeats, writing this down.

"Yes. She thinks it's absolutely hilarious to make fun of people's sexuality," Lauren says coldly.

"So what exactly did you do to Ms. DiLaurentis?" Mr. Holman asks her.

"I told her off. I may have said some things that were inappropriate for school property, but she deserves it after the way she's treated people," Lauren says. "Mr. Holman, I know I messed up... I was just angry a-and-"

"Look Lauren. I like you. I do, but rules are rules, and the actions you chose to make have consequences. Your parents are on their way, and I'm sorry to say you have a one week suspension," he says.

"Mr. Holman, please. I need to take these tests to pass-"

"We'll work out your education later. I'm sorry, Lauren, but my hands are tied," he says regretfully before Mike and Clara walk in.

Lauren gets grilled by her parents as well before going to her locker to collect her things.


"You got suspended?" Camila asks through the phone the next day after school.

"Yeah," Lauren says, sighing.

"I'm sorry, Laur. I should've done something to help you get out of this-"

"Camz, it's okay. It was my choice to say what I said. And honestly I don't regret it," Lauren says reassuringly.

"You don't?"

"No. Stacy deserved to hear that. Maybe she'll stop being such a stuck up bitch to everyone."

"Oh, she is. After what you said to her, she came back to school and she didn't talk the rest of the day. It was great. And then she got suspended for three weeks for harassing and threatening multiple students on a dangerous level," Camila says the last part sophisticatedly. Lauren laughs.

"Good. Dumb bitch," Lauren mumbles.

"Lauren, language," Camila scolds playfully.

"Hey, it's true."

"You're right. She IS a bitch, after all," Camila says. Lauren laughs. "So what are you going to do at home for a whole week?" Camila asks her.

"Umm.. I'm not sure. I'm practically grounded until I'm fifty so... I guess sleep," Lauren says.

"You got in some pretty deep shit with your parents, huh?" Camila asks apologetically.

"My mother told me I was a disappointment," Lauren says casually.

"She what?"

"Yeah. She apologized afterwards, apparently she was in a 'fit of rage'," Lauren explains, using quotation marks on that last part.

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