Chapter 7

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"Why are you dressed up more than usual?" Sinu asks her older daughter curiously.

"Oh, uh... I'm going out," Camila says, distracting herself with putting on her white converse.

"Oh yeah? Like a date?" She asks, smirking.

Camila looks up at her. "Yes," she says simply. "Bye mama," she says.


Camila closes the front door behind her before she could be interrogated any longer to get in Lauren's waiting car.

"Hi. You look beautiful," Lauren says as she pulls away from the curb.

Camila blushes. "Thank you. You do too," she says. They decided they were going to the fair that was in town, and it's about seven o'clock by the time they get there. They park, and Lauren wins Camila a big stuffed teddy bear from a booth.

"I'm gonna call him... Camren," she says, smiling at Lauren.

Lauren blushes. "I like that," she says, grabbing her hand gently. They go around for a few hours, going on rides and buying some snacks before going on the Ferris wheel when the lights turn on. Once they get to the top, the ride stops momentarily.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Camila says, looking around them at the lit up flashing things all around them. They also saw the city lit up from there, and Lauren has to admit, it was breathtaking.

"Yeah," Lauren agrees.

"You know what I've always wanted to do if I was in this situation?" Camila asks, turning to face her.

"What?" Lauren asks, swallowing hard.

"This," Camila says softly before cupping Lauren's cheeks and planting a kiss on her lips. It's with more pressure and lasts longer than the other kisses they've had. The ride starts moving down again, and they don't break the kiss until they are almost to the bottom. They keep their foreheads together, and Camila bites her lip before they both smile and giggle softly before kissing quickly once more. They get off of the Ferris wheel, holding hands as they walk to the car. Lauren sees Stacy and her friends looking at them, and resists the urge to go over and punch them. But they don't do anything, and Stacy makes eye contact with Lauren. She looks nervous as she turns back to her friends. Lauren smirks. I guess she wasn't going to be bothering them anymore. Lauren drives Camila home, parking in the driveway.

"Do you wanna come inside?" Camila asks her.

"Sure," Lauren says, turning off the engine.

They both get out and walk in.

"Milaaaa!" Sofi says, running up to her and hugging her legs. "Lolo!" She says just as excited, hugging her leg as well.

"Hi, Sofi," Lauren says, hugging her the best she could from their current position.

"Mija, is this Lauren?" Sinu asks, walking up to them from the kitchen.

"Yes, this is my girlfriend, Lauren," Camila introduces her mother to her. "Lauren, this is my mom," she says, addressing the green eyed girl.

"Ahh, yes I remember you," Sinu says, smiling at her. "It nice to see you again, Lauren. You are all grown up now," Lauren smiles softly. "I remember when Camila was in the backseat when we were coming home from the beach, she say, 'Mama, I like that girl, she is pretty and very nice,' and I say, 'Yes she was Mija,' and she say, 'I hope I get to know her. I really like her,'" Sinu tells Lauren.

Lauren turns to look at Camila, who's face is bright red.

"Mama," she complains in embarrassment, covering her face with both of her hands.

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