Chapter 6

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Lauren wakes up Friday morning excited. She gets ready for the day before heading downstairs. Once she realizes she's home alone, she cleans the whole house while blasting her music. She wanted Camila's first impressing of them to be a good one. As soon as Taylor and Chris get home, she stops them at the door and makes them take off their shoes.

"Well shit, look at you all organized today," Chris says mockingly.

"Shut up, it's cute," Taylor objects, going to grab a water bottle from the fridge.

"What's cute?" Lauren asks her, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh come on, it's so obvious you like this girl Laur."

"I do not," Lauren pouts like a toddler.

"Awe. Look at you," Taylor says, smiling.

"Ugh, you two are SO annoying," Lauren says playfully, ruffling Chris' hair.

"Yeah whatever," Chris replies, trying to fix it.

After a day of cleaning the house and talking to her siblings, Lauren looks at the clock. Her parents had gotten home a few hours ago, and she told Camila to come at seven. They all gather in the living room, and Lauren paces in front of her family nervously, biting her nails.

"Lauren don't do that. You'll ruin your manicure," Taylor says.

Chris rolls his eyes and turns to their dad. "Women, am I right?"

"You know, talking like that's the reason you don't have a girlfriend," Taylor says.

Chris scoffs. "Please. I can get a girl whenever I want."

Taylor rolls her eyes. "Yeah, sure you can."

"Hey! No fighting. I want Camila's first impression of us to be good," Lauren interrupts them.

"Whipped," Chris mumbles. Lauren rolls her eyes before noticing lights outside.

"Okay, she's here just, be normal," Lauren says nervously, heading towards the front door. Camila knocks, and Lauren fixes her hair before opening the door.

"Hi," Camila says shyly, rolling her sleeve down frantically.

"Hey. Come on in," Lauren says softly, stepping out of the way and allowing Camila to step inside. She closes the door behind her before Camila takes off her shoes.

"Oh my god, no way!" Mike says loudly from the living room. Lauren sighs. He was only doing that to get them to go in there. Apparently it worked.

"Who was that?" Camila asks interestedly.

"That would be my father. Come on," Lauren says, holding out her hand for Camila to take. She does so nervously and is pulled by the older girl into the living room.

"Guys, this is Camila. Camila, this is my mom, dad, brother Chris and sister Taylor," she says, pointing to each person as she spoke.

"Hi," Camila says, waving shyly.

"Hey, I remember you," Chris says.

"You do?" Taylor asks, surprised.

"Yeah. It was back in the good old days, before you could talk," he says jokingly. Taylor shoves his shoulder, and Camila laughs.

"Oh, right, you're that girl we met at the beach when you were little," Clara says.

"You're parents are Sinuhe and Alejandro, right?" Mike asks.

"Yup," Camila says, forcing a smile.

"How are they doing?"

"They're... great," Camila says, her smile faltering for a moment.

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