Chapter 14 (part 1)

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Before she knew it, it was three days later and Camila was being taken into a hospital van with her mother, on the way to the courthouse for her father's trial.

"Mama, are you as nervous as I am?" She asks quietly from the back of the van in her wheelchair, her mother in the seat in front of her.

"Of course I am nervous, mija. But it must be done," she replies, turning around and rubbing her daughter's arm comfortingly.

Ten minutes later, Camila was being wheeled down the aisle to the table on the right side of the room, anxiously scanning her surroundings. Her eyes widen in shock when her eyes meet familiar green ones. Lauren smiles softly at her from the back of the room, and Camila notices Dinah, Ally and Normani are sitting next to her. Camila relaxes a little, also spotting her aunt and uncle two rows up with Sofi. She looks up at the large man with the gavel, who smiles at her gently before clearing his throat. He looks at the guard and nods, giving him the okay to open the big double doors.

Camila holds her breath as her father walks into the room in an orange jumpsuit, handcuffed and accompanied by two guards. He looks around the room, sighing softly before glaring at Camila. She lets out a shaky breath as he locks his eyes on her, sitting down at his table. Camila jumps when the judge slams the gavel down twice.

"For the trial of Mr. Alejandro Cabello vs. the city of Miami, let's begin. All rise," the judge says in a deep voice, shuffling papers. "Mr. Cabello, you are being charged with attempted murder in the first degree, child abuse in the first degree and assault and battery in the second degree. How do you plea?"

Alejandro clears his throat, glancing at his oldest daughter before meeting the judge's gaze. "Not guilty, your honor," he says.

Lauren's blood had already started to boil.

"First witness, Mr. Malik?" The judge asks Camila's lawyer.

"Your honor, I would like to call Ms. Cabello's doctor to the stand," he says, motioning to Dr. Seinfeld. He nods, and after he goes under oath, they begin the questioning.

"Can you please identify yourself for the court?" Mr. Malik asks him.

"I am Dr. Richard Seinfeld, I'm an attending physician for the Southern Miami Hospital and Sinuhe and Camila's doctor since the incident."

"And you were part of the team that performed the surgery on Miss and Mrs. Cabello, correct?"


"And can you please describe the injuries of Mrs. Cabello and Miss Cabello upon arrival?"

"Camila's injuries were much more severe than Sinuhe's. Her head had been cut open from a beer bottle being hit over her head, and her fibula had been broken in two places because of her fall. Two ribs on the left side of her ribcage were broken, where most likely she was kicked. There were less severe injuries as well, small cuts and bruises," Dr. Seinfeld says as he looks back on his notes.

"And Mrs. Cabello?"

"Mrs. Cabello's only serious injury was her broken radius bone. She as well had cuts from the shattered glass and bruises. All three of the female Cabello's have suffered verbal abuse as well."

Mr. Malik nods. "At this time, I'd like to show the court exhibit eight through seventeen, which are pictures of both the injuries and the crime scene."

He walks over to the projector, turning on the first slide. Scattered gasps fill the air as they show pictures of the crime scene, X-rays and pictures of the injuries, and Lauren feels sick to her stomach. With each gasp, Camila would look at Lauren, finding comfort that the girl was there. The rest of the medical testimony, Camila blanks out. She's only brought out of her daze when she hears her name.

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