Chapter 8

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The next morning, Lauren is awoken by her phone ringing next to her bed on the nightstand. She groans, sitting up before answering it. "Hello?" She answers in a sleepy, raspy voice.

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui," Normani says.

"What the hell do you want at... seven o'clock in the morning on a Saturday?" Lauren says, annoyed after glancing at the time.

"What the hell have you been doing? Why wouldn't you answer us last night?"

"I was... busy."

"Busy, huh? Dinah told me about what she walked in on, but you could've told me."

"Mani, it is way too early and I do not have the energy to argue with you about my love life."

Normani scoffs. "Well, I just wanted to see you were alright."

"Yes, I'm fine, Mani. The date went amazing, her family likes me, I saw Stacy and she didn't do or say anything to us, it was great."

"Good. I'm glad you're happy now, Lo."

"Thank you."

"I'm sorry I woke you so early. I had a dance meet this morning and I couldn't stop thinking about how you were."

"It's alright. Bye Mani."

"Bye Lo."

Lauren ends the call and plops back down with a heavy sigh. She probably wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep. After about an hour of trying, she gives up and walks downstairs.

Nobody else is up but her father, who is sitting at the island reading a paper in his hands. "Good morning, Hun. Why're you up so early?"

"Normani," Lauren mumbles, slumping over as she walks to grab the orange juice from the fridge.

"Can't get back to sleep?"


"Well as long as you're up, how was your date?"

"It was amazing. We had a great time at the fair and then I went back to her place for a bit and met her mom," Lauren says, taking a long drink of her orange juice.

"That's good," Mike replies, glancing back down at his paper. "What about her father?" He asks as she takes another sip.

She shrugs. "Away on a meeting I guess. None of them talked about him and he wasn't there so I didn't say anything about it."

After Lauren finishes her juice, she goes back upstairs to get ready for the day. Once she's out of the shower, she walks back into her room and notices three missed calls, one from Dinah and two from Camila. Concerned, Lauren calls Camila back. She answers after a few rings.


"Hey Camz, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Dinah and I were just talking and we figured we could all have a girls night. You, me, Dinah, Ally and Normani."

Lauren smiles. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. I'll talk to Ally and Mani about it."

"Okay, we can have it at my house if you want."

"Sure. Yeah, that sounds great. Thank you Camz."

"No problem. I want to get to know Normani and Ally a little better, I think we could all be really good friends."

"Me too. It just kind of feels right."

"Okay, that's all Dinah and I were trying to call you about. I have to go take Sofi to a friend's house, though. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah. Bye, Camz."

"Bye Laur."

Lauren ends the call before calling Ally and Normani, who agree to the girl's night. Lauren texts the news to Camila, and she carries on with her day.


a/n: Good morning everyone! I know this is really short but I'm posting the next chapter today as well. It's just going to skip to that Saturday cuz nothing too important will be happening between then, just a heads up. I love you all, and have a great day.


{IG: milaslayme}

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