Chapter 32

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That next Saturday, Lauren had the engagement ring she got a few days ago in her pocket, and she played with the case nervously as she drove. Camila was humming quietly to the radio, glancing out the window as they went.

Earlier that morning she and Dinah had gone to the apple orchard and carved some pumpkins. When they finished, she got back home, showered, and asked Camila about going to pick some apples, pumpkins and get some cider and doughnuts, as they did every year. Camila loved fall and winter the most, so of course she said yes.

Now, Lauren was texting Dinah in the car that they were almost there, hiding her phone between her and the door so Camila couldn't see.

"Laur?" Camila catches her attention from her anxious thoughts.

"Hm?" Lauren questions, putting her phone down.

"Are you alright?" Camila asks, laughing lightly.

Lauren smiles. "Never better," she replies, turning her attention back to the approaching orchard.

They pull into the parking lot, and through a few trees, she sees Dinah's car, signaling the girl was there. Lauren can see her ducked in the front seat, apparently not being able to leave before they got there. Camila and Lauren both get out, and Lauren walks ahead of Camila by a few steps.

"Hey Camz, why don't you go get a head start on the apples while I glance around at pumpkins?" Lauren suggests.

"Oh, okay. Good idea," Camila replies with a soft smile, kissing her cheek before walking off towards the apple trees. Lauren sighs as she calls Dinah.

"We good?" Lauren asks.

"You bet, kid. Go get engaged," Dinah says, making them both laugh out of pure joy. Lauren walks towards the patch where their plan was set up. When she sees that in fact everything was perfect, Lauren goes to get Camila.

"Camz, I've narrowed it down to a few pumpkins. You get to choose which one," Lauren says, smiling to hide her anxiety. Camila smiles, and they walk over to the spot.

"Which ones?" Camila questions. Lauren brings her in front of a pile of hay stacks, with a huge pumpkin on it. Camila's eyebrows furrow together when she reads the carvings. "Will you marry me?" was carved into it, and next to it were two smaller pumpkins with one saying "Yes" and one saying "No". Camila spins around to face Lauren only to find her on one knee, a ring on her hand. She gasps.

"Lo," Camila breathes.

"Camila," Lauren starts. "I've known you since our junior year of high school. Since the day we met, I knew I had strong feelings for you. You were, and are, so breathtaking. You're smart, beautiful, funny, compassionate... the list goes on and on because you're such an amazing person. I feel so lucky that you had given me a chance to be with you, and we have been practically inseparable since we met. I know that I love you more than anything in the world, and I know for a fact I want to spend the rest of my life with you,"

There was starting to be a small crowd of people watching them in awe.

"So, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, will you do me the honor of marrying me, and spending the rest of our lives together?" Lauren asks nervously. Camila's eyes glisten as she starts to tear up, and she smiles before shaking her head up and down frantically.

"Yes," she says, her voice thick with emotion.

"Yes?" Lauren questions in shock, smiling widely.

"Yes. Of course I'll marry you, Lauren," Camila says excitedly.

Lauren slides the ring on her finger before getting off up the ground, and Camila koala hugs her tighter than she ever has as Lauren spins her around. She starts crying tears of joy as she got back on her feet to kiss her lovingly. Everyone around them claps, some whistling.

Camila starts laughing through her tears, her heart swelling more than it ever has. "I love you so much," she tells Lauren happily.

"I love you, too," Lauren replies, kissing her again. "So which pumpkin do you want?" Lauren asks her after the break apart. Camila smiles.

"Well obviously the 'yes' pumpkin, but we'll need one to carve for Halloween," she says, giggling. After picking a few apples, pumpkins, getting cider and doughnuts, the two of them go back to the car, both beaming.

On the car ride home, Lauren reaches over the center console to grab Camila's hand, rubbing the back of it gently.

"I can't believe that just happened," Camila says, looking over at her fiance. Lauren smirks.

"I've been wanting to for a while," she admits.

"Why now, then?" Camila questions.

"Well, I actually was going to do it last weekend, but we had Gabby. We were busy and you were stressed and it was just a messy time to try to fit it in," Lauren explains sheepishly.

"Awe, I still would've said yes. We could be broke and living under a bridge, and you could propose with a ring pop and I'd still say yes. But only if it was strawberry or blue raspberry," Camila jokes, kissing the back of Lauren's hand.

Lauren laughs. "Noted," she says.

"I can't wait to see everyone's reactions," Camila says, smiling at the thought.

"Well Dinah helped me plan this, actually. So she'll be excited but it won't be shocking to her," Lauren says, laughing softly.

"Really? Awe, Dinah's getting such a big hug from me later,"

Lauren smiles. "I love you so much, Camz," Lauren says, meeting her eyes for a moment.

"I love you too, Lo."  


A/N: hello! I'm really tired and I'm upset that I have school tomorrow BUTTT I'm in a good mood right now because I finally stopped editing this chapter long enough to upload it! Have a good day/night, ily all and enjoy :)


{IG: Milaslayme, Twitter: gtg_cabello}

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