Chapter 28

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The next morning, Camila woke up on the left side of the bed, confused as to why there was a pillow right next to her for a moment before realizing it was because Gabby was in the middle, between Camila, Lauren and a pillow on both sides to keep her in place. They had been awoken repeatedly that night, either because Gabby was crying or because they were checking on her. Camila was exhausted, yes, but it was worth it to make sure Gabby stayed safe. She carefully gets up and stretches, yawning softly as she looked out the window. The sun was just barely rising, the sky in a variety of colors. Camila smiles as she looks at it before she notices movement on the bed. Gabby squirms, whining softly. Not wanting Lauren to wake up, Camila gently lifts her up, kissing her head and rubbing her back so she didn't feel obligated to start crying. She takes the infant out to the living room and onto the back porch, the young one looking around curiously.

"Good morning, baby. Look at the sky, it's pretty, huh?" Camila coos, pointing up at the colors above them.

Gabby glances up to where she was pointing, looking around for a moment before looking elsewhere, losing interest. Camila chuckles softly.

"You'll appreciate them when you're older," she says, stroking Gabby's hair down gently. "You know, I never realized just what it'd be like to take care of a baby before. It kinda scared me at first but, I like it," Camila tells her, even though she knows she won't understand her.

"It kinda scared me, too," Lauren says from behind her, making Camila jump.

"Well you just scared me," Camila says, laughing lightly. Lauren smiles, walking all the way out into the cool fall air to stand next to them. She kisses Camila sweetly before turning her attention to the infant in her arms.

"Hi, Gabby," she says, making the baby smile. "You want some bananas for breakfast?" Camila laughs lightly at that, holding her out carefully so Lauren could take her into the kitchen.  

She yawns as she follows behind them, opening the blinds of the kitchen window before turning to Lauren.

"I'm gonna go shower," she says, kissing her cheek before walking down the hall to the bathroom.

Lauren turns her full attention to the infant in front of her, who's staring up at the banana expectantly. Lauren laughs lightly, peeling the fruit and giving her tiny pieces. Lana jumps up on the counter, sniffing the child curiosly before laying down next to her. Gabby looks down at the cat and giggles, half petting, half hitting the feline on the back. Lana doesn't seem to mind, though, and Lauren smiles.

"You two are so cute," she says, giggling softly before continuing to feed Gabriella. Once she's done feeding the youngster, having to help her out a bit, she goes to toss the peel in the trash before the phone rings, catching her attention. She takes Gabby in her arms before going to answer the phone in the living room.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Is this Lauren Jauregui and or... Camila Cabello?" A woman's voice asks through the phone.

"This is Lauren, yes," she says curiously.

"Hello, Lauren. I'm Dr. Huffman, Jamie Smith's doctor?" Lauren's heart starts racing and her stomach drops as soon as she hears her say that. She must've been thinking about bad situations longer than expected because the doctor's voice snaps her back into reality.

"Hello? Ms. Jauregui?" She says, concerned.

"Oh, um... sorry. I-is everything okay?" Lauren asks nervously. Camila walks in then, drying her soaked hair with a towel. She looks at her curiously, and Lauren gives her a worried look that makes her sit right next to her, leaning closer to her so she could hear.

"I'm afraid not. Her cancer has been spreading a lot more lately. We're going to try to prescribe some different medications but as of right now... it's not looking too great," she says regretfully. Both of them look shocked and then sad, looking down at the infant with them that could lose her mother in a matter of months.

"But what about Gabriella?" Lauren asks, glancing down at the child who was playing with the string on Camila's hoodie.

"Jamie briefly told us she wanted to talk to you two about having her live with you, at least until she's better or... you know..." she says hesitantly. Lauren and Camila exchange glances before Lauren raises an eyebrow questioningly.

"Um, we'll definitely think about it. We'll just need some time to discuss it and we'll call back," Lauren says, and Camila nods.

"Alright. I know you're both in college and such so it might be hard but, I really hope you'll think about it. Jamie's the only family that kid's got," she says sadly.

"I understand. Thank you, bye," Lauren says.

"Alright, bye," the doctor says before hanging up. Lauren immediately meets Camila's worried gaze.

"So... what do you think about having a roommate?" Lauren asks her nervously.

"How are we gonna do this, Laur?" Camila asks nervously. "W-we aren't even married, we both have classes, we barely have enough money to pay for the apartment and student loans..." Camila looks down at Gabby sadly, starting to tear up. "B-but we're all she has besides her mother... I-I just don't know what to do," she says honestly, sniffling.

"Hey, hey, hey," Lauren says softly, pulling her into a tight hug over Gabby. "Camz, just breathe. We're gonna figure this out, just like we always do. It's you and me against the world, remember?"

Camila looks up at her through her teary eyes and smiles gently. "You and me," she says, kissing her sweetly. "What do you think?" she asks her after a moment of silence.

"Honestly? I think we can do it. We'll just get all of her stuff from Jamie's place, and I'm sure Ally, Dinah and Mani can help out as well as our parents sending money or something. We got through the first night, didn't we?" Lauren says, smiling softly.

Camila giggles. "We did wake up every hour just to check if she was okay," she points out.

"Exactly. We'd be great... guardians," Lauren says, almost saying parents but stopping herself. Gabby wasn't their daughter even if they thought of her as such. She was still Jamie's baby.

"I love you, Lo," Camila says. "And as long as we stick together, I think we can do it,"

"Yeah?" Lauren says excitedly.

"Yeah," Camila confirms.

Lauren smiles sheepishly before kissing her, pulling back hesitantly. "I love you, too," she says before picking up the phone. She dials back, and the doctor answers shortly after.

"Have you made a decison yet?" she asks nervously.

"Yeah... we'll do it," Lauren says, smiling at Camila.


a/n: so that happened. Um, I got sick and I feel like shit so I may not feel up to updating sorry:/ Don't worry I'll practically force myself to think of ideas. ALSO I CAME OUT AS BI TO MY TWO BEST FRIENDS TODAY AND IT FEELS SO GOOD OMF. Anyway, have a good day/night, ily all.


{IG: Milaslayme, Twitter: gtg_cabello}

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