Chapter 13

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Camila wakes up a few days later with a start, having a nightmare about that night.

"How much longer do I have to sit here all day?" Camila asks the nurse that was next to her, checking something on the machines she was connected to.

"It depends on how well the medicine starts working," she says, giving her a sympathetic look. "If it does work good, you can probably start rehab in a week or a little longer than that."

"And if it doesn't?" She asks with hesitation.

"Probably over a month," she says apologetically.

"I appreciate your honesty," Camila huffs.


The next week went by painfully slow, for everyone. Clara told Lauren she had to do all of these random things during the only free time she had from school when all she wanted to do was be at the hospital. Camila didn't get any visitors besides Dinah and her aunt with Sofi, until today.

Lauren finally convinced her family that she should see Camila every couple days, so she didn't get lonely. She walks into the hospital hurriedly, anxious to see her girlfriend after all she's been through. She had stopped by Camila's house on the way, where Sofi was still with her aunt and uncle and people were working on fixing the house's holes and replacing the carpet, along with cleaning out that 'time out' room Lauren had never seen unlocked. Apparently Camila's father had stashed wine, booze, and even weapons in there, and there was a chair that you would be tied to in the center with nothing but a small light overhead. Lauren could only glance in before she felt sick and rushed into Camila's room, away from the sight.

She grabbed a few things she thought could get Camila through a boring or stressful day in the hospital. Camren the bear, her phone and it's charger along with headphones, and a picture frame with a collage of Camila with her mom, sister, grandma and friends. She stopped on her way there to get flowers and balloons, just because she knew Camila loved them (she says they can turn any situation better). Once she reaches Camila's room, her arms full, she huffs before walking over and setting everything down on the table next to her bed. Camila is asleep, as close as she can be to being curled up without disturbing her leg under the thin white sheets. Lauren smiles at how innocent and relaxed she looked while she slept.

"Camz," she says softly as she sits in the plastic chair.

Camila doesn't do anything. Lauren sighs, getting up once more and pecking her lips. Camila stirs, but still doesn't open her eyes. Lauren rolls her eyes playfully before kissing her a little deeper. Camila kisses back after a second, and Lauren pulls back. Camila pouts, opening her eyes before seeing Lauren's smirk and smiling.

"I knew you'd wake up," Lauren says playfully.

Camila looks at all of the new items next to her and gives Lauren a questioning look.

"I thought you might get bored when you don't have any visitors so I got a few things you might want," she explains. Camila smiles, grabbing Camren and hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," she says sincerely.

Lauren smiles. "No problem," Camila smiles as she grabs the picture frame, running her fingers over the side longingly. She sets it upright on the table before grabbing her phone.

"Really, thank you. You didn't have to get all this," she says, motioning to the balloons and flowers as well.

"I wanted to. It's the least I can do," Lauren says, grabbing her hand.

A few minutes pass of comfortable silence before Camila scoots over slightly, patting the open space next to her. Lauren smiles before laying next to her, Camila almost immediately wrapping her arms around her and laying her head on her shoulder. They sit like that for a while, neither of them saying anything. Lauren was almost asleep when she heard Camila speak up.

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