Chapter 10

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Ally wakes up first the next morning, groaning as she sits up to stretch her aching muscles. She looks around the room groggily, smiling to herself when she sees Camila asleep on Lauren, the green eyed girl's arms wrapped protectively around her, and Normani asleep on Dinah. She decides to make breakfast, cooking bacon and pancakes in the kitchen before getting out glasses for orange juice.

She almost drops a glass, catching it at the last second before sighing in relief. "Jesus Christ," she mumbles, setting down the five glasses carefully. She jumps slightly when she sees Camila walk into the kitchen.

"Good morning," Ally says, smiling as she slides a plate of food and a glass of juice in front of a chair.

"Morning," Camila replies sleepily. "Ally, you really didn't have to cook breakfast."

"I wanted to. It's the least I can do, you and your parents let us all stay here."

Camila smiles. "Thank you."

Ally nods before cooking the rest of the food, setting up plates for the other girls before getting one of her own. She sits across from Camila at the island.

"So how'd you sleep?" Ally asks, smirking.

Camila smiles. "Lauren is actually pretty comfortable."

Ally laughs lightly. "Okay, so what's going on with those two?" She asks her quietly, motioning to Normani and Dinah. Camila smiles at her. "I'll take it there is something going on, then?" Ally asks knowingly, laughing softly.

Camila shrugs. "Honestly I'm not one hundred percent sure."

They have to stop their discussion when they notice Normani sitting up and stretching, yawning before walking over to them.

"Morning," they both address her. She smiles weakly before sitting down.

"You okay?" Ally asks, sensing something was wrong.

Normani sighs before taking a small sip of juice. "I guess so. Just a lot on my mind," she says quietly, cutting into her pancake.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Camila asks her gently.

Normani looks at both of them carefully before turning to look at Dinah. She hesitates before covering her face with both of her hands, rubbing her eyes stressfully before looking down at her lap. "I think I might like Dinah," she says so quietly they almost can't hear her.

"That's okay," Ally says, rubbing her arm comfortingly.

Normani shakes her head. "What if it's not? She might not want to ever talk to me again if I tell her. And what am I supposed to say to my parents if I bring a girlfriend back with me one day?" She asks nervously.

"Mani, it's okay if you have feelings for a girl. It's the same as a boy, you can't help it, right?" Camila says. Normani nods slowly.

"Okay, so it's not a big deal. If you like boys, you like boys. If you like girls, you like girls. Or even if you like both, it doesn't matter to us and I know your parents will support you too," Ally says, hugging her sideways.

"Thanks guys," she says, taking another bite of her food.

"Camz?" Lauren mumbles from the couch.

Both girls turn to look at Camila, who smiles before walking over to behind the couch. Lauren feels around for her girlfriend, furrowing her eyebrows when she finds nothing but the couch. She opens her eyes slowly, stretching before seeing Camila smiling down at her.

"Good morning," Lauren says happily in her morning voice. Camila leans down and kisses her gently.

"Morning. Ally made breakfast, c'mon," Camila tells her. Lauren groans, not wanting to get up. Camila rolls her eyes playfully, walking around the couch to try to pull her up.

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