Chapter 40

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The next morning, Ally and Troy had come over to watch Gabby so Lauren and Camila could go to the courthouse. Camila had told them it "was practice for a couple months from now" which made Ally laugh.

They were now sat in front of a judge, and Camila grew even more nervous then she had as soon as they pulled up. She had watched her dad have his life taken away from him in this very room. In this very chair.

"What do you think makes you capable of having full custody of Gabriella, Mrs. Farnham?" the judge asks her. She practically scoffs.

"Well for one thing, genetics. And I have a steady income, two other children, a husband, and we have the room for a child," Camila's ears perk up at how she pointed out she had a husband, and her blood starts to boil as she narrows her eyes at her. She can tell Lauren was doing the same.

"Well, Mrs. and Mrs. Jauregui-Cabello have a steady income and room for a child, too," their attorney, Mr. Bradley says.

"Correct. But there's other things I said I have that they don't."

"Well they're not going to have any more children right now, obviously. Gabby would be their first," he argues. She sighs in frustration, and Camila whispers something to Mr. Bradley. He nods hesitantly before taking a step back, so everyone could see her.

"You're fighting custody against us just because we're gay, aren't you?" she asks the woman at the stand knowingly.

Marissa stares at her before she sighs. "It's just not natural to have two mothers! Or two fathers. She needs a father in her life so she can have guidance and protection-"

"Are you telling me that neither of us have guidance? Or protection?" Camila asks her angrily.

"Well what protection from an intruder is a woman going to have?"

"I can't believe this," Camila mumbles in disbelief. She glances over at Lauren, who practically had to zone out so she doesn't shoot out of her seat and strangle the woman. Camila has to admit she'd love to do that as well. "Well we have a lot of guidance. And protection. And just because neither of us is a man doesn't mean she'll be unsafe. Lauren is stronger than her brother and he works out every week. We have the two of us, plus so many others that will help us if we need it. Family and close friends. Having a father isn't always the best thing for a child, and I know that first hand," Camila says shakily, and she sees Lauren try to contain herself from getting up.

"It's not my fault your father is a criminal," she says coldly, and Camila's mouth drops open a bit in shock. Everyone else looks that way as well.

"I am Jamie's sister and I deserve custody over my niece-"

"Jamie told me herself that you hadn't even spoken to her since she had Gabby. She's used to us, she's lived with us before, she likes us. She doesn't even know you. Living with you and your family will be no better than a foster home," Lauren snaps. Everyone turns to her, and she takes a deep breath before sitting back down.

"Well I'm sure my home is much safer. I've already had babies before, I know what I'm doing."

"Actually, their house is probably the best I've ever seen for being baby proofed. It was a little shocking to me, actually, since they hadn't had children before," Mrs. Prescott speaks up from beside them.

"We'll let the jury decide. Ten minute recess," the judge says, hitting his gavel. Everyone goes off into the hall.

Camila walks up to Lauren and they hug each other gently.

"You did great," Lauren whispers.

"We can do this, Laur. I know we can," Camila whispers back.

They go out into the hall as well, and Marissa walks past them. Camila has to hold Lauren back from lunging at her. Instead, she spins her towards her, kissing her lovingly.

"It's okay, Lo," she says gently as they pull away.

Lauren sighs, resting her forehead on hers. "Sorry," she mumbles.

Camila smiles. "I think we have a pretty good chance, but if you go beating her up now I think that chance will lower," she says, making them both laugh softly.

After what seems like forever they're all called back in.

"Alright. The jury and I both agree, that for the sake of Gabriella Rose Monteith, she will be living with Mrs. and Mrs. Jauregui. You two will have full custody, and you will be able to complete the adoption process of Gabby officially early. Case dismissed," he says, hitting his gavel.

Lauren and Camila turn to smile at each other at the same time, hugging each other tightly. "Told ya," Camila whispers, making Lauren chuckle softly.

Marissa rolls her eyes, and her husband talks softly to her as they walk out, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"Lauren? Camila?" Mrs. Prescott gets their attention as she walks up.

"You two may come by my office later on to get all of the official adoption papers," she says, smiling.

Lauren and Camila both nod, and they discuss things with a few other people before they're on their way back home. They inform Ally and Troy with the great news, and Ally jumps up and down excitedly.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you two!" she exclaims. Troy congratulated them as well, and Ally gasps.

"Mila, we should go shopping tomorrow so you can paint her room!" she says. Camila smiles and the two of them walk down the hall, discussing all sorts of ideas for Gabby's official room with tiny old Lana following them.

Troy and Lauren stay behind in the living room, and Lauren chuckles softly.

"She wasn't any trouble, right?" she asks him, bending down to pick up the stumbling infant who was trying to chase after a toy rolling away.

"Nope. She's probably the best baby I've ever watched," he says honestly.

"Well hopefully yours will be just as easy," Lauren says, and he smiles.

Everything was finally looking up for them. Everyone was happy. And who knows, maybe one day Dinah and Normani would be married with a kid or two as well. This was just the beginning, Lauren realizes. And there would be so much more for them to face, together. As a family. Because Lauren realized a long time ago that Camila was her true love, and now, so was Gabby.


a/n: THE END! Omg okay so I just let it sink in that I completed my first book (ajsjejfjvj) and actually quite a lot more people have cared enough to look at it than I thought! Thank you to everyone who stuck with me, even though sometimes I wasn't on for like a week. I love you so much. Have a great day, and just so you know, this probably is just the beginning for me as well, but for writing and not like... having a family. Okay I'll shut up now, I'll see y'all around.


{IG: Milaslayme, Twitter: gtg_cabello}

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