Chapter 1 : Tickets

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1 Week Before Departure Jeager/Ackerman Apartment Eren's Room Eren P.O.V

I started scrolling through the web browser with my head resting in my palm. I was growing tired of searching website after website. Just for some damn plane tickets. Mikasa practically forced me into traveling after my mothers death and my father left us. I couldn't blame her. She's a very over protective sister... But she keeps wearing the same red scarf everyday... The same one I gave her when we took her in. She did, though, get over my mothers death quicker than I did. Me? A few months. I locked myself in my room and blocked out all human communication.

When I was up and running with my normal routine, I went back to school. My little mushroom friend Armin, was constantly making sure my mind was at ease. He's a really great friend ya know. One time, I tragically remembered my mothers death. The flames, the smoke, sounds of crashing wood and cackling ashes, all came flooding back to me. He just sat there with me. Rubbing my back in tiny circles, giving me reassuring and kind words. He let me cry on his shoulder for quite a while, he handed me tissues every once in a while. I felt bad for him since all I did was cry and blow snot into his shoulder... He told me not to worry about anything.

After my.... 'Session', Armin set out and got me an ice cream carton with my favorite ice cream in it : Cookies and Cream. Also grabbing 'Maze Runner' from RedBox because it looked like I was sleeping over...

"Eren?! Did you get the tickets yet?!" I heard Mikasa scream from her room. Which was, by the way, just down the hall from mine.

"No I haven't!" I screamed back to her. I sighed. I just didn't get why I had to do this... Mikasa keeps saying she has "girly stuff to do" What ever THAT meant? I didn't want to know... I clicked on one last website before I would hit the hay. Ticket searching is harder than you think. I scrolled through the website and almost did a little happy dance. I sighed happily and found what I was looking for : plane tickets to France. I happily paid for them with Mikasa's debit card and quickly checked my Facebook. I scrolled through my notifications on my last post.

3K likes and 1,026 comments.

I am no celebrity but i'm quite popluar. '7K followers... God i'm somethin aren't I?' I lowly chuckled at my comment about myself and logged out of facebook. I wasn't about to let Mikasa off the hook so freely at night. Especially with my laptop. Once I caught her on my facebook and never again will I let that happen. I shivered and shook my head, mentally clearing thoughts about that one night. I took off my shirt and threw it some where unknown, and stripped down to my boxers. I leaned outside my door and yelled to Mikasa.

"Mikasa?! I'm going to bed! Oyasumi!" (Goodnight!)

When I earned no response I figured she went to bed herself. I shut my door and hopped into my soft bed and slowly began to fall asleep. As the awaiting nightmares came to haunt me...


Hey everyone! Hope ya'll enjoyed my first chapter to my first fanfic! This was pretty short to even be called a chapter... But! Oh well! I have lots of goodies coming up that I just can't wait to share! If anything needs to be edited or fixed let me know! You guys better be as excited as I am! Cause i'm really excited! Anyways, i'll TRY! And by 'try' I MEAN 'try'! To post something everyday or every other day. It IS summer after all! What better way to spend it than coming up with a bunch of words and putting them together to make an awesome story?! Anyways! I'll stop rambling! Until next time! Bye!


This Passport Belongs To: [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now