Chapter 14 (and a half) : Wait What?!

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Mikayla's House Wednesday Night 8:30PM Day 3 Eren's P.O.V.

It wasn't until 8:30 before someone spoke again. I made my way off the floor and back into the living room 10 minutes after Mikayla and Levi left. I still felt numb from the pain I was feeling. Are my nightmares coming true? And will I have to dream my way out of them? I sighed. I continued banging against the tree I was currently cutting down. Damn creepers are the worst. Mikasa went to bed shortly after Mikayla and Levi left. I heard Hanji cough so I looked up at her. She was bouncing in her seat, all to excited about something. To be honest, she scares me a bit. No wonder she's related to Mikayla...

I turned off my new iPhone 6 and faced Hanji, ready for an idea.... Or 5,000. Hanji clapped her hands once when she had mine and Petra's attention. She smiled and that smile grew even wider to a point where I thought it would stay that way.

"Guyssssss I'm tired of sitting here! We should go do something!" Hanji said all to happily. She definitely had something planned. Before I could speak up, the strawberry haired girl next to me spoke up in a very annoyed tone.

"Like what?" Petra said almost angrily. Ounch, what nipped her in the butt? Aww! Was she lonely because her knight in shining armor is gone? Poor thing!


SIKE!! News flash! He's gonna be my knight in shining armor you clingy cat! I almost burst out laughing at the commentary I had made in my head, but Hanji huffed and spoke again.

"I thought that maybe we could show Eren Club Corps!" Wait, wasn't that the place Levi said he would take me too?! But I want to go with him the first time I go! I probably looked pale because Hanji gave me a look of concern.

"Don't worry Eren! Mikayla has that place approved!" Hanji said cheerily. That wasn't my reason for going pale but I nodded in agreement to her conclusion.

"I guess we could go..." I trailed off looking away. I heard Petra scowl but Hanji squealed.

"Well! It's settled then!" Hanji began. "Petra! Grab your keys! We're going to Club Corps!"


HEY GUYS!!!! I KNOOOOOOOOW!! ;_; </3 Short filler. This chapter is taking me longer to type due to school and my new routine. I SUCKKKK I KNOWWWWW But I PROOOOOOMISE that there will be smutty's in the next chapter!!! Hang in there and deal with my short filler!! THE ERERI YAOI TRAIN IS NOW BOARDING!!! PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO EXIT 69 AND BOARD AT 15! THANK YOU!


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