Chapter 12 : Laughs and Scary Conversations

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Mikayla's House Wednesday 11:45AM Day 3 Eren's P.O.V.

I pulled out a chair next to Mikayla. I looked over at her with a curious expression. She was zoning out and I couldn't help myself as I nudged her in the rib cage. She jolted back to reality and knocking the chair out from behind her as well. I doubled over in laughter.

"Jesus Eren! That hurt! Mon Dieu! Sie könnten nur angezapft habe meine Schulter!" (You could've just tapped my shoulder!) I couldn't speak and was barely breathing as I rolled on the floor with uncontrollable laughter.

"A-Aber es w-war so lustig!" (But it was so funny!) I exclaimed. "Undich wusste nivht dass sie immer noch Deutsch gesprochen!" (And I didn't know you still spoke German!) I said as my laughter died down.

"Gut wenn ich spreches es nicht glauben sie ich immer roch braun mopp." (Well if i'm speaking it don't you think I still do brown mop?) She rolled her eyes and picked up the fallen chair. I could see the three behind us with utter shock and confusion. Even Levi raised an eyebrow. Mikasa was just in shock because she spoke German as well.

"It wasn't that funny Eren..." Mikasa trailed off rolling her eyes. I only shook my head to disagree with her.

"Oh hell yes it was." I said turning my attention back to Mikayla.

"Sooooo." I nudged her in the shoulder this time and smiled. "You okay?" She only hummed in response. I sighed.

"Well! Who wants treats?! I also made sandwiches for lunch too!" Hanji said giggling. My empty stomach agreed with her as she walked away.

The table we sat at, or aka the dining room table, had 6 chairs. 1 on each end and 2 on each side. Mikayla and I sat at one side with 2 chairs closest to the kitchen. Mikasa came to the end closest to me and pulled out a chair. But instead of Mikasa sitting there, Levi slid into the seat from the other side. I blushed as Levi made himself comfortable in the seat. Glancing over at the now pissed Mikasa with a smirk on his face.

"Gracias es su casa." He said with a devilish grin and daring eyes. Mikasa looked like she was about to throw him out the window. She let go of the chair and muttered a few German words.

"übergroßen emo suchen Garnelen..." (Over sized emo looking shrimp...)

"Mikasa!" I hissed her name angrily with gritted teeth.

"What? He is." I glared at her and was about to scream back but she interrupted my thoughts of anger.

"Was? Es ist nicht wie Sie wissen, ihn wie Armin und ich..." (What? It's not like you know him like Armin and I...) My eyes widened at her statement. Did she really not care about that whole thing with Garrisons?! She even let me walk home with Levi! Surely she isn't just being nice! She obviously hates him... Why did I care? He doesn't matter... Of course he does! I like him! Fuck! It's only been a day! I just met him! Ugh! But last night... How he stuttered over his words... Did Levi like me back? No. I only made him uncomfortable when I stared at him for so long. He probably thinks i'm a creep.

"So Eren... Why do you?" My sister's taunting reeled me back into the world I call reality. She had a smug look on her face as she already took a seat across from me. I blushed and put my head on the table.

"Fuck. You. Mikasa..." I growled at her. She just huffed and then replied with the stupidest statement ever.

"You know we could-"

I heard Mikasa gasp beside me as I looked up at my adoptive sister in disbelief. Levi looked like he was going to put her in the fireplace and burn her alive. I frantically began shaking my head.

"Ew ew ew ew ew! No! Eww! No! Hell no! ew ew ew ew i'm not hungry anymore oh my god..." I kept shaking my head while my sister chuckled in success and Mikayla giggled at my reaction.

"Speaking of... HANJI!" Levi called out. He saved my ass again. Thank him later once again.

"Coming!" Hanji cried from the kitchen. She walked into the dining room, holding a platter full of sweets and sandwiches. She put the platter in front of us and passed out plates, napkins and utensils. Hanji took the open seat next to Mikasa as we began to grab the food to silence our grumbling stomachs.


Hai guys! I just did two updates! Whoo hooo!!!! As I wrote this my stomach growled... Any who! I start school in a week and I just visited my school to put my locker stuff in my locker as well as my binders and crap so I dont have to have a boulder on my back the first day of school. And my classes are scattered everywhere... literally... ughhhhh 7th grade man... >~< I'm sorry for late updates. I've honestly been working on Chapter 14 for a while now *wink wink; nudge nudge* bcuz certain things will be happening. *insert rape face here* Chapter 13 holds LOTS OF DRAMAAAAAA!!! And feels... feels af... And I already have the ending to this book figured out >:D So hope everyone enjoyed to two updates! If I don't get an update done before school starts... Wish me luck...


P.S. I didn't realize Mikasa's smart ass words weren't in there! OOPS! Also, something is wrong with Wattpad.... some of the text is cut off and I dont know why... i'm trying to fix it right now.

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