Chapter 15 : Just A Dream?

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Levi's Bedroom Thursday 10:19 AM Day 4 Levi's P.O.V. (:oooooo)

I woke up to the multiple bright lights and warmth. I slowly sat up and instantly regretted it. A pounding headache awaited me. I looked around the room I was in, I didn't see the bright lights and the warmth of sweating bodies at the club... But rather I was in my own room... In Mikayla's house. I groaned and put my head in my hands. I sighed, looking to my left I saw another sleeping body. Eren's in fact. His arms were wrapped around my waist protectively as if he were to let go, I would leave his side. Tch, it's gonna be hard to do that in a few days...

I detached his arms from my waist and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I was stripped down to my boxers with nothing else on. I groaned again.

"Fuck..." I murmured. I glanced over my shoulder to look at Mr. Sleeping Beauty over there. His chest rose and fell and he looked as peaceful as ever. I looked forward again and as carefully as I could, I stood up. I slowly made my way over to my desk, there on the top was pain killers, 2 glasses of water and a note. I opened the pain killers first and washed them down with one of the glasses of water. I finished the glass and picked up the note.

I gave you and Eren pain killers with some water. You're lucky Hanji and I are strong, we had to drag you off of each other in order for you to actually move and get in the Limo! And do you know how much you weigh?! You weigh like a hundred bricks! Anyways... The girls and I left the house so you two could sort yourselves out.

xo - Pig'

"Tch." I crumpled up the paper before throwing it in the trash. I stably walked over to my closet to put something comfortable on. I found a pair of loose gray/grey sweatpants with a thin black t-shirt with the Club Corps logo on the back. I closed the closet and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I walked past the bed one more time before making my way to my door.

I glanced back at Bright Eyes sleeping again. I was mesmerized by him, I can admit that. Who knew he could do that to me? All my sturdy brick walls came crashing down. He never stopped trying to break in, even though his knuckles were scratched, bruised and blood stained them dark red. He never stopped... And i'm glad.

I slowly opened my door, and quietly closed it so I wouldn't wake him up. I sighed once the door was shut and plopped onto the closest couch. I pinched the bridge of my nose before throwing my head back and groaning.

"Look what you've done to me... Bright eyes..."

10:30 AM

It's all my fault...

"It's all your fault!!"

I didn't mean too...


You.. DID this to me!

I like you Eren...

"Hey... Stop screaming..."

Your mothers dead!

"Oi..! Wake up-"

How could you do this to her?!




But I thought you were dead!






No one likes you!

"God dammit brat!"

Save him Eren... Set him free...








He can't die Eren... So don't let him go...


My eyes tore open and I began to pant heavily. I looked up and saw Levi sitting on me. Why was he sitting on me? I was taken aback when I saw a few tears streaming down his usually emotionless face. His silver eyes were wide with surprise. He was shaking violently and held a death grip on my shoulders. He gasped once he saw me awake and put his face in the crook of my neck.

"You idiot! Don't do t-that to me!" Levi hissed at me. I kept blinking, trying to process what the actual fuck was going on. My head hurt and Levi was on my chest, may I add that he's extremely heavy for his size?!

"I thought you were dying Eren!" Levi whimpered and I finally came to my senses. I wrapped my arms protectively around Levi's back and I heard him gasp again in surprise.

"Levi.... I'm alright..."

"B-But you were screaming Eren..." He stuttered over his words and shivered. He was a bit more calmer than before but still had his face in my neck. Every time he let out a shaky breath, I shivered. 'Why was I screaming?' I wondered. I probably had another nightmare.... Damn why can't I remember anything?!

"Levi I-... I tend to have really bad nightmares..." I confessed. "I didn't know I scream during them... I'm really sorry..." I apologized to Levi as he calmed down.

"Damn right you better be." I chuckled and squeezed him tighter. He hugged me tight all of a sudden too and ended up leaving light kisses on my neck. I blushed and shuddered, I could hear him chuckle under his breath. What did I do to deserve this?

Levi slowly got up and sat back on his heels, STILL sitting on my stomach. He stared at me for one more moment, justifying that I was alright, before getting off the bed.

"Change and take some pain killers," He ordered. "You'll need them." 'You are my pain killer...' I thought to myself, and almost smiled. "I'm making breakfast." And with that, he left the room.


JIAFLJFIAFJLAFJ THAT WAS FUN TO ACTUALLY MAKE WOO! I got big plans for the next chapter~~ It involves breakfast fun~ AND NO NOT THAT KIND OF FUN YOU DIRTY MINDED BASTARD! Oh and by the way, I already have the ending planned... o-o ITS A SOB STORY!

.... Jk....


ANY WAYS! Please check out my new book that I will hopefully have posted soon! Love you all so much! Thanks once again for 1.7k views and 200+ votes! Thats amazing! <3


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