Chapter 6 : The Run In

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Paris France Airport 4:45PM Eren's P.O.V. Tuesday Day 2

'Where are you Mr? :P'

'We're looking for baggage claim'

'Okay! Je vous aime vous voir bientôt!' (Translation : I love you see you soon!) I tried not to roll my eyes but failed. Always expecting me to know what she said is crazy. I sighed. Mikayla is getting crazier by the day... And I don't know if that's good or bad... I held my bookbag strap which was over my shoulder and resting on my waist. All my valuables in place...

'But lemme just check and make sure everything is in there.'

I looked up from my phone to see Mikasa. No where in sight.

"Shit..." I muttered. 'I'll just hope she's at baggage claim.' I got away from the many foreign people and sat at an empty seating area near an inactive gate. I pulled my bag off my shoulder and put it into the seat next to me. I opened it and made myself a checklist as I looked through my bag of things.

'Laptop? Check. Phone charger? Check. Phone? Yep definitely. My books? There too. Passport. Che-'

My eyes widened as I realized it wasn't there. I frantically looked around. I could've just fallen when I sat here so I looked around my bag and took everything out carefully. I stood up when I realized it wasn't next to me nor in my bag.

"Shit shit shit..." I repeated over and over as I bent to down to look under my chair.

"Este-ce le tien?" (Is this yours?)

I looked up from the floor to find a pale hand holding out my passport limply. I looked up farther to see who was talking to me, in what I assume, French.

"Uh..." I stuttered. I didn't take French! UGH!!

"Telle est cette vôtre ou non gosse?" (So is this yours or not brat?)

I ignored the mans French and studied him. He wore a black T-shirt and black skinny jeans with matching black vans. I then studied his features; pale white skin, raven black hair with a clean undercut, thin black brows (what's with all the black?!), an expressionless face and steel silver eyes. Those eyes... They just... pierce into your soul. Dark and harsh looking. I snapped out of my train of thought when 2 girls with brown hair, glasses and summery outfits (one with a lab coat oddly) came running towards the male and I. Screaming in French.

"Ne pas lui parler comme ça Levi!" (Don't talk to him like that Levi!) One girl screamed. Clearly shorter than the other and looked about the males height.

"Je ne vous permets de le faire avec Hanji et je parce que ce la façon dont vous mettez en place avec nous!" (I only allow you to do that with Hanji and I because that's how you put up with us!) I looked at the girl screaming at the male who tossed me my passport. He was very short. I could already tell. I studied the girl up close as she was still screaming at him. The lab-coat girl mumbled a few words and the male did NOT look happy.  But the girl... She almost looks like...


The 3 foreign people that stood in front of me, looked at me with weird expressions. Even the short male looked confused. 'Crap... I said that out loud...' The girl who was screaming stopped and looked at me with a lot more affection and love than the raven. She studied me harder. She let out a small gasp as she already had tears in her eyes.


Mikayla whispered and crouched down next to me and gave me one of the best feelings in the world.

This Passport Belongs To: [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now