Chapter 17 : Guess What Was On Sale Today

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!Warning! Cringing Chapter ahead! I had no idea what I was doing with this one but ya :) !Warning!

Mikaylas House 11:46AM Day 4 3rd person *Thought i'd try it out today hue ;3*

About an hour later, Mikayla, Mikasa, and Hanji returned back home. Eren and Levi were no where to be seen. 

"Hellooooo?" *no pun intended* Hanji called out.

"Eren?!" Mikasa called out as the girls took off their coats and shoes. Hanji and Mikasa were both worried about their friends but Mikayla just sat there, humming along as if nothing had happened. Mikasa nearly blew her top as she slid off her jacket ready to punch Mikayla. But Mikayla held up one finger and stopped Mikasa with 9 words.

"I know how to get them to come out." Mikasa instantly stopped her actions as she stared at her friend bewildered. 

"Where are they?!" Mikasa shouted as they walked down the hallway and into the living room. Mikayla merely just smiled evilly. She knew her plan was going to go one of two ways. 

1. Eren would start laughing so loudly it would give them away


2. Her plan wouldn't work because the boys aren't actually here and she was just going to embarrass her self in front of her sister and an old friend. Mikayla had a feeling they were in the house still, so the first way would probably happen. 

Mikayla coughed once and thought about the one time in a local grocery store when Eren and Mikayla had to bring home ingredients to Carla for dinner. They went into the store and on their list was different fruits and veggies. When Mikayla and Eren came across the leek, they looked for a good one to pick out for Carla. Eren picked up one to examine it.

"How about this one?" He asked, still looking at the vegetable. Mikayla looked up and nearly died, she was choking on air and burst out laughing.

"W-What?! Did I do something wrong?!" Eren as confused as he saw his close friend in fits of laughter and coughing. 

"E-Eren," She managed to choke out. "T-That dildos on sale." Mikayla continued laughing as Eren's face grew red and looked at the leek, then the sign, and the leek again. Eren soon began to smile and join in on Mikaylas laughter. Why were they both laughing you ask? Eren picked up a dildo instead of a leek. It looked like one, but it wasn't. (I have a messed up brain. I was watching MMD and ya. Inspiration?) 

Mikayla returned to reality and chuckled softly at the memory. She looked to her right and saw Mikasa with crossed arms. Mikayla huffed and faced the living room, he devilish smirk returning.

"Hey Eren~ Guess what was on sale today?~" Mikayla called out in a singing sort of way. No answer came. No giggle, no laugh, no chuckle, just the soft breathing of Mikasa's short tempered breath. Mikayla wasn't finished yet. She scanned the room once more as Hanji went into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. She saw the uncleaned mess in the kitchen, but said nothing. She sipped her water and leaned on the kitchen counter. 

Hanji wasn't as worried but she was still worried. She faced her sister and Mikasa who were staring out at the living room, no sign of the boys. Mikayla took another huff and continued.

"Eren, your favorite dildo was on sale today." Mikayla said into the silence, her smirk not leaving as she heard her own sister spit out the water in her mouth and started choking. Mikayla couldn't hear anything but stood her ground. 

On the other side of the room, Eren had to cover his mouth with both hands as Levi stared at him like he was crazy, and he was. Eren burst out into full laughter as the door to Levi's room opened due to the fact Eren thought it would be a good idea to see what the girls were doing. Mikayla smiled in victory and saw Levi's priceless face. 

"Hah, always success. I know my friends really well." Mikayla said walking up to Eren. Mikayla crouched down, picked up the laughing Eren by the wrist, and dragged his heavy ass across the floor.

"Uh Mikayla, somones-" Hanji started, but Mikayla stopped her.

"I know." Just as the words left her mouth, Levi attacked her from behind. By now Eren stopped laughing and Mikayla dropped his hand. From the blow, Mikayla grunted but held Levi's wrists which were tightly wrapped around her neck. Mikayla spun in circles, trying to loosen Levi's grip. When it didn't she turned and flopped backwards on the couch so she was laying on top of Levi. 

"Get off me Pig. You idiot. Bright eyes help me." Eren stood up with a wide smile and plopped down on Mikayla as she made an 'oof' sound. Mikayla and Eren were laughing so hard, their stomachs hurt. Levi let out a groan but ended up chuckling. Mikasa and Hanji shook their heads in disapproval.


OMG I DID ANOTHER CHAPTER :D I HOPE YOU CAN BEAR WITH ME ;----; it was a stupid chapter filler. but I know how this is going to end. :D and its coming up REAAAL fast. hue. Be ready.


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