Chapter 4 : The Airport

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Day of Departure 4:07 AM Jaeger/Ackerman Apartment Monday Day 1 Eren's P.O.V.

I lugged my suitcase down the hall and put it by the front door. Today we are finally going to France. I have my bookbag with my valuables in it for the plane rides. It really was just electronics and a few papers to study along with the multiple tickets and my passport to board the different planes. 

One plane from Florida to New York, another plane from Florida to Quebec, and finally, one last plane from Quebec to France. 3 different planes, 3 different seats, 3 different airports, 3 different airlines, 3 different languages, 3 different countries, ALL in a day and a half. I really hope that downloading the Google Translator App isn't a bad thing... HEY! In my defense! I took Spanish as a second language! Not French!

I checked my phone and saw the time was quickly passing. I got kinda pissed when I didn't see my adopted sister out of her room yet.

"Mikasa hurry up! It 4:15! The hell you doin'?!" 

I screamed at my adopted sister from down the hall. I really was excited for this trip and I did NOT want her to ruin it for me. I heard her door swing open, the rolling of wheels clicked against the floor and out she came with 2 purple suit cases. I groaned in response to her entrance. Instead of making us late, she's going to humiliate me. I sighed loudly once she exited our apartment to put our luggage in the car. She went down one elevator as I got out the apartment key. I quickly locked our apartment and went into the other elevator that my sister hadn't occupied. I pressed the button down to the lobby and was thankful that no one had to stop me and get on at 4:20 in the morning. I stepped out of the elevator as it reached the lobby floor and checked my phone once again.

Armin: Say hello to Mikayla for me!

Mikayla: See you soon brown mop! :P I have some people for you to meet!

I chuckled softly. Armin texted me last night knowing I'd see it in the morning. Smart boy. I told him I'd say hello to her for him and turned off my phone as Mikasa pulled up in our Ford F150. I rounded the back of the truck, opened the trunk flap and put my suitcases in. I opened the door to the passenger seat and off we were.

Mikayla's P.O.V. 10:00 AM Tuesday Paris France

"Hanji please! Don't pester me anymore with questions about Eren!" I groaned and shook my head multiple times. I even strapped two pillows to my head!

"Aww but sis!" Hanji tried to pry the pillow off my ears. I didn't let her so I called out to the only other person in the room.

"Levi~!" I called out to him with a pleading look. He just continued to read his "really interesting" book.

"Leviiii~~!" I tried again. This time succeeding. He only looked at me funny and pulled out one of his headphones from his ear.

"What do you want Pig?" I just gaped at him when he put a hand up to his ear. 'Headphones? Seriously Levi?' I groaned again as Hanji kept sputtering questions profusely. Levi read the situation and glared at my sister Hanji.

"Oi, Four-Eyes, leave Pig alone and go back to Eyebrows." Levi said sternly. Hanji sighed in defeat.

"Pffffffffffft Fine." She said, leaving the room and marched up the stairs into her own "laboratory".

Now let me tell you. Levi comes up with THE weirdest names. To Levi, EVERYTHING is annoying. I had no idea about how he puts up with Hanji and I day to day. But he figured that one out himself. So apparently, to deal with us, he gives us "names" that "suit our character." Mine is well, Pig. So as Levi says, I "eat faster than a normal human being." And "burp to much to even be a lady". Ok... THAT statement is true. I do burp a lot. Even Eren knows THAT! 

Hanji? Well, since we both have glasses, he called Hanji "Shitty-Glasses" and me "Four-Eyes" until I got the name "Pig" and then "Four-Eyes" was passed onto Hanji. And Eyebrows? That's Hanji's pet hamster. His real name is Erwin. She does all these things to him that I don't even wanna know or remember. Erwin looks like he has big bushy eyebrows though, so I can understand where Levi is coming from. I can disagree on name calling but what ever helps Levi. 

Heh... Eyebrows... Heh.

"Oi Pig."

I snapped out of my trance and flicked my head over to face the expressionless male sitting on my couch. It must've looked like I was frozen or something because one of Levi's thin eyebrows were raised.

"Yeeeeeeeeeees?" I asked him.

Levi's eyebrow returned to its place and he looked back at his book.

"When are we getting those friends of yours?"

I smiled at the thought of Eren and Mikasa. I sighed and leaned back farther into the couch.

"We should get them around 3:30ish. So only 6 more hours." I replied back to Levi and felt myself drifting off again.

"Hey Levi..." I heard him hum in acknowledgement, so I continued my sentence.

"Wake me up at 2:00... I wanna at least look good for Eren again. I haven't seen him in forever." Only then blacking out into a deep slumber.


Hey Guys! I told you this one would be longer! Hope this will kinda make up for the shorter ones! Gah! Typing is a pain! Sometimes ;) At least its summer! Fun fact! *looks around and makes sure no one is near then whispers* I write all my chapters on paper first o.o LOTS of rewriting and editing! Hope you dont mind! Well anyways! Chapter 5 should be up soon! But it also gets straight to the point so don't tell me it's rushed cause I know its rushed :3 OH BTW During Mikaylas P.O.V., Eren and Mikasa have already made it to Quebec :)


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