Chapter 11 : A Nice Walk

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Outside Garrison's (AKA the electronic shop) Wednesday 11:35AM Day 3 Eren's P.O.V.

It was ten minutes later when I recomposed myself. Sighing, I looked over to my supportive adopted sister, Mikasa.

"Does it look like I've been crying?" I asked her. She just chuckled slightly before reaching up a hand to my head and messed up my hair. We turned the corner back on the sidewalk where Garrison's stood.

"Hey!" I gave her a glare and furiously tried to fix my hair.

"You look fine Eren." Mikasa said laughing. I murmured a 'before you ruined it'. I sighed when I looked up at the three standing in front of Garrisons, and I could see that Levi had my phone in his hand looking bored. When they saw us come into view they all gave me worried looks, even I could see Levi's eyes soften. I gave them a small smile as we approached them, the limo was parked next to them. Before I even stopped walking, Mikayla was running over to me with her arms extended.

"Oh my god Eren!" She ran up to me, nearly knocking me over. I smiled softly and returned the hug when I steadied myself again.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry!" Mikayla kept apologizing over and over and I had to put a hand over her mouth to shut her up.

"Mikayla, shush." I gave her a teasing glare but she kept hugging me, may I add with a crushing grip and not letting go. I glanced over at Hanji and Mikasa for help. They looked at each other, nodded, then walked over to the suction cup I had stuck to me. Hanji grabbed her legs and Mikasa tried her torso. All the while Mikayla just held tighter and to the point that I thought my guts would come out of my mouth... Thank god I haven't eaten anything.

I came to thinking and my eyes widened when I found a match to the exact same time when we were younger. 'Oh no... not this again...' I thought as I tried to pull Mikayla's hands off over my side. I wanted to ignore the man in black directly across from us but I couldn't. He just stood there... Watching the four of us in front of him.  He put on a murderous glare that even I had to look away.

"No! Don't take me away from Eren!!" She screamed and kicked when the girls got her off of me. She wouldn't settle down so Hanji and Mikasa put her in the limo with the door awaiting open. When the limo door closed and locked, Hanji bent over to put her hands on her knees.

"Wha.... What was that?!" Hanji tried to ask in between breaths. Mikasa just sighed, glad that the nightmare was over.

"That..." She began. "Is normal. It was when Eren was 7. Mikayla, Eren, Armin and I weren't super close friends at the time, we would hang out with her sometimes and talk every so often. So Mikayla decided it was a good idea that she could push Eren onto the concrete and laugh at him. They were messing around and Mikayla didn't know that Eren got hurt badly. Eren came home with a sprained wrist after Carla picked us up. Till this day, every time she thinks she hurt Eren, she would either hug him to death or make sure they had a Netflix marathon with gallons of ice cream. You saw the hugging one. That was the second time that happened. The first time was when Eren was 9." Mikasa finished the story as I nodded awkwardly in agreement. Hanji's eyes went wide and looked at me up and down. I shifted under her gaze, but was glad when she turned back to face Mikasa.

"Wow... She's never usually like this! Only when she's high! My word. Eren you're practically like a gem to her!" I chuckled softly at her point of view. I looked down to the ground and rubbed my neck awkwardly. When I looked up again I finally looked over at Levi.  He was looking out onto the road, clearly not paying any attention to us what so ever. As we heard Mikayla's screams calm down, Mikasa ever so slowly opened the limo door again. We saw Mikayla out cold and sighed in relief. Mikasa continued to open the door and step in.

"I think i'm going to walk home..." Levi said trailing off, and soon heading in my direction to give me my phone. I nodded at him as in thanks and watched him walk behind me from where I just came from. Hanji sighed but let him go. Her gaze soon landed on me and she winked. Mikasa gave me a warning glare as she held her hand out for my phone. I handed her the phone and smiled brightly at her. She shooed me away with the wave of her hand and I thanked her before turning back around and jogged in Levi's direction. As I got closer I called out to him.

"Levi! Hey Levi! Wait up!" I heard him scoff but he answered me as I caught up to him.

"What do you want Bright Eyes?" I felt a blush creep up onto my face from the nick name but smiled at him.

"Well, I don't think walking home alone is quite a good idea." I chuckled softly and looked at the ground moving as I walked before me.

"And I also wanted to thank you." I said smiling at the ground. This time I saw him look over at me.

"For what? I didn't do anything for you." I just kept smiling at the ground like an idiot.

"You found my passport dumb ass. I would've gotten in deep trouble." I said with a small laugh. I stopped looking at the concrete and looked out in front of me.

"Oh." Was all he said before Levi looked at the ground. I saw the Eiffel Tower in the distance and pondered the thought of Levi and I going there.

"Have you ever been there? The Eiffel Tower I mean." Levi looked up from the concrete and looked in my direction.

"Yes... A few times actually. Once when I was a child and once with Pig and Four-Eyes." I laughed at the nicknames Levi had for Hanji and Mikayla.

"i'd like to go there on this trip sometime before I leave... I've always wanted to come to France." I said with a slight giggle at my cheesiness. As we walked on wards, I began to here extremely loud music. We soon approached the building, the music got louder and I could see the neon blue and white sign flashing the words "Club Corps" in fancy lettering. On the door was a '24/7' sign hanging by a chair on the metal door handle. 

I heard a chuckle from behind me as I looked at the sign. I turned around to face Levi as I put my hands on my hips to imitate a sassy look.

"I was just looking! Sheesh!" I suck my tongue out at him as he put his on hands on his hips. Now it was my turn to laugh, he looked sassy and cute at the same time. I had the urge to kiss him but held back as I laughed. Levi signed shaking his head and began to walk away from me as I stare at him from behind, I remembered something...

"No! Don't leave me!"

"It's all your fault!"

"It was your fault for not being home all the time! Where the hell do you go all day anyways?!"

"It's none of your business Eren!!"

"Yes it is my business because you killed my mother!!!!"

"You let your self do this to her! Not me!"

Don't leave me...


I don't want to be left alone again...


Help me...

I shook my head to clear the bad memories from my head as I caught up to the shorter man.

"Ya know... I could bring you sometime..." Levi looked up at me with his slanted silver eyes. I blushed a light pink but smiled at him.

"That sounds like fun, i'd love too." I held his gaze a little longer than I should've and looked into his fiery eyes. Levi turned away first. 'Shit... I messed up again...'

"W-We're here ya know..." Levi said turning away from me. Did he stutter?! Oh my god! Levi stuttered! I thought I would die from the happiness I was feeling.

"Oi, Bright Eyes, You want the bakery sweets or not?"


Died of happiness.

"As long as Hanji didn't poison them!" I laughed and followed Levi up the driveway and towards the door with a satisfying smile.

This Passport Belongs To: [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now