Chapter 8 : A Place To Call Home?

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Outside France Airport Tuesday 5:00pm Day 2 Mikayla's P.O.V.

We lead the two to the exit where the limo would pick us up. I chuckled. I forgot I never told Eren that we have service like that. Being a pole dancer for years really pays off. I smiled when I saw Eren's bright eyes go wide when our driver, Eld, pulls up to the pick up. Mikasa had a hint of amusement in her eyes but remained silent.

"Since when do you have a limo?!" He exclaimed. Amazed, stunned and confused. I just smiled back at him.

"We have... connections." I didn't want to tell Eren what I did as a living when I graduated from college. I never returned back to Florida because I started a new life here. One that I wouldn't get so sick of so easily. I met Levi at the club I work in when I first applied. He was my instructor and taught me the basics with a few other girls that I became good friends with. He also made my first routine with me. I won that year too. I was smiling at the memory. 

I smirked when I saw Eren clearly not satisfied with my answer. Levi "tch"ed and entered the limo with the awaiting door open. Held by our best butler, Gunther. Eld and Gunther were both fine gentlemen must I say. I followed suit to Levi's actions and entered the limo. Gunther took Eren and Mikasa's bags and put them in the trunk. From left to right, everyone sat like so. Levi, me, Hanji, Eren and then Mikasa.

I chuckled softly as I was reading my book. Not even half an hour later did Hanji, Eren and Mikasa fall asleep. Hanji and Mikasa were resting on Eren's shoulders while Eren had his head rested on the seat. I smiled remembering Levi murmuring Eren's name in his sleep two nights ago. I giggled and looked at the Sprite can held in my hand that didn't have my book in.

"il est vraiment l'amour à première vue, hein Levi?" (It really is love at first sight huh Levi?) I turned to look at him for his reaction. Yes, it's really hard to read him, but when you get to know him over the years, you know how he responds to things. His body stiffened only the slightest but his silver eyes were gentle. I smiled in victory. Even if Eren was awake, he wouldn't be able to understand us.

"Comme si..." (As if...) Was his only reply, so I left it at that.

Limo/Mikayla's House Tuesday 6:08pm Day 2 Eren's P.O.V.

It's bumpy...

Why am I moving...?

Don't move me!

I want to see him again!


Come back...

Don't leave me to die here!



"Oi Eren."

"Eren wake up." My eyes slowly began to open and adjust to my surroundings. I was still in the extremly comfortable seat in Mikayla's limo, but no one else was here besides Levi and I. Levi was only crouching a few feet away from me. My breath hitched as I realized just how close we were. My eyes flicked to his plump pink lips. But only for a mere second. It gave me these butterflies in my stomach that I just couldn't explain. He sighed once he realized that I was awake.

"The girls are inside already." He informed me. And holy crap balls! (A/N : Wtf am I writing?!) He just spoke a whole sentence to me! In ENGLISH! He had a thick French accent that I was already certain that I wouldn't get enough of. I felt a blush creep up onto my face. Dammit I get so sensitive around things like this! Damn you virgin mind! Levi stood up but bent over because of the low roof of the limo. His ass soon in the air and I couldn't help but stare. (Another A/N : holy shit. I just rhymed unintentionally :3 OOPS.) I snapped back to reality and followed Levi out of the limo.

This Passport Belongs To: [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now