Chapter 9 : "What Are You- Nnh~"

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Mikayla's House Wednesday Morning 3:09AM Eren's P.O.V.


I couldn't fall asleep so I restorted to my phone. Mikayla and Hanji gave me their social media pages as well as their numbers. I finished their Facebook and their Tumblr's so I was on their Instagram pages. I finished with Mikayla's account and was onto Hanji's. Her's was just a bunch of selfies and pictures of a hampster. From all the captions, I assumed his name was Erwin. He was a soft blondeish yellow. He also looked like he had giant eyebrows, which were brown... Very strange for a hampster....

I liked most of her photos anyways. I stopped scrolling when I found a picture of Levi. I clicked the page open and an immediate smile appeared on my face. Erwin was sitting atop of Levi's head and in his hair. Levi did NOT look happy. His arms were crossed and his eyes looked like he was about to destroy the world. It didn't matter to me that it was a photo because I was in laughing fits and tears threatened to fall from my eyes. Realization hit me when I looked at the time on my phone. It was 3:00 in the morning and everyone was supposed to be asleep. I stuffed the blanket, that Mikayla gave me to borrow, into my mouth.

'Crap... Hope no one heard me...' I thought as I looked around the room with my ears open for any sound or movement. When I heard nothing I exited out of the photo before anymore laughter escaped my lips. I kept the blanket in my mouth just in case. I kept scrolling through Hanji's page, only liking a few photo's, till I reached the bottom. I opened her very first photo and almost regretted it. There, at the bottom of her 573 photos, was a picture of Levi. But not just any picture of Levi, but almost a professional photo. He must've been drunk or something because I already knew he didn't like photos taken of him self.

The background was in Mikayla's house and on her dining room table. Levi had black jeans on, almost like the ones he wore today. He was propped up on his shoulder and wore a white long sleeve button up shirt. The only thing about the shirt? Well it wasn't buttoned. It laid loosely around his sides and was still secure on his shoulders. His chest was exposed and his toned 6-pack was clearly visible. His eyes had a glare to them but had a teasing feel to them.

I stared at the photo a bit more till I felt pain down in the nether regions. I could now feel the heat forming on my face as my eyes widened. Wh-What is happening?! Why am I looking at this picture?! And how i'm reacting?! Not in a humanly way! Well... yes it's human... But still!! Ugh... I let out a groan and closed out of the photo then turning off my phone. I tried to relax but nothing worked. I can't get his eyes out of my brain. They seemed.. Inviting almost. Begging me, teasing me, haunting me, wanting me to play with him. The way his muscles were? No way would he just "get" them. Im positive he worked out. I felt the buldge in my pajama pants grow.

'Shit...' I threw my phone from the couch and at the brick fireplace. I didn't throw it IN the fire.. I threw it at the brick above it. I heard the glass as it shattered. 'Way to go Eren!' I sighed and put the pillow over my face. I turned to the left to face the fireplace so my pajama's didn't hurt my budge anymore. I felt like crying.... This is the best but worst trip i've ever been on.

"Fuck..." I muffled into my pillow. Shaking breaths escaped my mouth as I tried not to cry. I had so many emotions that I didn't know what to do with them. I tried the fall to sleep option again but that of course didn't work.

I heard a door open, then close. Staying silent, I listened to the feet shuffling across the floor. I assumed they went to the kitchen but I couldn't see with the pillow still over my face. The person in the kitchen stopped moving for a second but I didn't dare move. I then heard the person move again and they moved closer to me and into the living room.

"Hey bright eyes, you're going to want this." It was Levi. What is he doing up?! Did I awake him with my laughter earlier or the sound of my phone being chucked across the room?

"Oi, I said you're going to want this." His French voice was stern and he sounded annoyed. I didn't move. I heard him huff then chuck something right square into my crotch. He did it on purpose, probably to "awake" me, but he didn't know I was hard. (A/N Im sorry if I'm disappointing everyone.... idk what im writing anymore ;-;) I groaned at the contact but the groan turned into pleasure which left me with a low moan. Welp. Shit. I turned around and gripped the pillow onto my face more adding pressure till I couldn't breathe. I had my back facing Levi and my leg covered my erection.

"Tch, what do I expect? A bright eyed brat who watches porn then jacks off before going to sleep." I grunted annoyed with what he thought about the situation. 'Well how bout you go and get fat or something. Stop distracting me with your sexiness.' I thought to myself. Shit.. I bet you anything Hanji knew something about that picture and gave me her Instagram just so I could find it. I heard Levi's footsteps approach me but I said nothing as I tried to stop strangling myself with my pillow.

"Brat don't strangle yourself." I heard his voice again but it was filled with... Meaning. He was calm. Not like just a few moments ago when he had a stern voice. I sighed but let the grip on my pillow loosen as I began to breathe again. Levi continued his journey over to me as he soon was on the couch and over me. He put a hand on my back as he leaned so close to my ear that I felt his hot breath. He nibbled the top of my ear before he spoke in a low seductive voice.

"What are you doing up so late?" His voice held so much lust and tease, that it made me shudder. He licked my ear before his hand slowly trailed down my back. 

"What are you- Nhh~" I tried to surpress a low moan but failed miserably. It came out restrained but still there. He is giving me so much pleasure. Just his fingers.... Those long pale fingers. Delicate. Fragile. They could shatter at the slightest touch... It was those hands that left me blushing and possibly at my limit leaving all too soon from my body.

"Go to sleep bright eyes." Was all he said before slamming his door and leaving me breathless.


This Passport Belongs To: [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now