Chapter 14 (and the other half) : Club Corps

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Warning! There will be smut in this chapter! If you are uncomfortable reading this, then please exit out immediately! And for those who wish to stay, please let me know if I did good... It's my first time writing smut and it was awkward for me to write in some parts >~< Nonetheless, grab your tissues, and hold onto your ovaries, cause here comes the Ereri train! ~kktrys

*15 Minutes Later*

Outside Club Corps Wednesday Night 8:45PM Day 3 Eren's P.O.V.

I shut the back seat car door to Petra's car and followed Hanji away from the parking lot that was at the back of the Club. I could already hear the loud thumping of music on the outside of the Club. We got to the stone front steps and a girl stood there, her hands full. One held a clipboard and the other held a bag of chips. Hanji walked up to the girl with a smile.

"Hello Sasah! Working the night shift this evening I see?" Hanji questioned the brunette haired girl.

"Hello Hanji! Indeed I am! And hello Petra!" She waved to Petra behind me. Then her gaze met mine.

"Now who do we have here?" The girl named Sasha asked. She was smiling only as if she knew something.

"This here is Eren! He's visiting from Florida and is a great friend of DJ's!" Hanji said introducing me. Though she threw me off when she mentioned someone named DJ. Who are they? Did I know them? How do they know me?! I just got to France! Mikayla isn't telling me something... I know it.

"Hi." I said, remembering my manners. I gave her a sheepish smile and nrbbed my neck awkwardly.

"Aww! Cute too! Well, welcome to Club Corps!" She put her bag of chips on the floor and made a mark on her clipboard. She smiled before opening the door wide for us to enter.

"Come on in!"

Hanji stayed behind and whispered something to the chip girl while Petra and I stepped into the Club. I stared in awe at the club around me, clearly stunned. This is NOTHING like Jean's parties... I could hear Petra chuckle from behind me as she left me to gape at my surroundings. The music was deafening, the lights were blinding, the smell of sweat and multiple flavors of alcohol combined were disgusting. 

To my left were restrooms, and to my right was the bar. Straight ahead and in front of me was a large dance floor with a crap ton of people on it. If you still stood at the entrance, to the right and in front of the bar was a large, black, high-raised platform. The front was long and almost like a runway with one silver pole at the front. To the back of the platform were two out-stretched side where two other poles stood on each side.

An even higher raised platform was raised at the back of the pole dance platform. This, I assumed, was the DJ station. I saw Petra back there standing with an older looking male. His hair looked like Jean's but... Fluffier? I don't know, I can't tell from where I'm standing.

I felt a push from behind. They said something but I couldn't hear them over the blaring music. As I was lead towards the bar, I instantly knew it was Hanji.

"Come on cutie! We have to shake you up a bit!" Hanji said as she plopped me at the bar and into a bar stool. Hanji then plopped in her own chair to the left of me as she called over the bar tender. She ordered for the both of us when I told her that I just wanted a simple Sprite. I didn't need a hangover on my first real day in France and it was a pretty O.K. day.

The last song finished playing and I heard a few taps come on over the speakers. Someone then coughed and began talking about something that I was unsure of.

"And now! The three you've all been begging to see again, The Trio!!" I heard claps, cheers, and whistles come from everyone in the club. Three girls soon appeared on the stage. There were two blondes and one brown haired girl. I'm guessing that she was the leader because she wore different color clothing compared to the other two. The leader strode up to the front of the stage where the single pole stood. The two blondes with her took their poles at the back. They were half way up them while their leader approached the front.

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