Chapter 3 : Packing

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1 Day Before Departure Jaeger/Ackerman Apartment Eren's P.O.V. 

Packing is... Well lets just say that I HATE packing. We'll be staying in France for a week during this trip. Unlike the last one. We went to Africa for 2 whole weeks. Which, in my opinion, sucked. I had fun but it was a bit of a disappointment. We went to Africa during Christmas and New Years. We celebrated the holidays there too. Let me tell you, it was very different from Florida. For this trip? We're going to France on spring break. Which isn't to bad. Nothing to really do on spring break. So i'm looking forward to the France trip. Maybe see the Eiffel Tower?

I smiled in thought and kept tossing everything out of my closet. I didn't really know how hot or cold France really was but, I packed a variety of clothing in my suit case. From skinny jeans to tank tops. I put my valuables in my school bag which i'm taking on the planes with us. I unplugged my phone from the charger and checked my messages. Two from Armin, three from Mikasa and 1 from Mikayla. (oh lookie here :# That's me... o.o  SHHHHHH tell no one :3) Mikayla was a close friend of mine. Pretty much like Armin. We went to high school together. And by 'went' I mean that she moved during our first year. Actually, she's letting us stay at her place while we visit France. Another thing to look forward to. I smiled again and read my messages.

Armin: Hey, How's packing?

Armin: Eren, you better not still be asleep... Mikasa will kill you! ;)

Mikasa: Eren are you awake?

Mikasa: Eren, I went out with Annie for a bit... be back around 3ish. <3

Mikasa: Eren?! HELLO!?

Mikayla: Can't wait to see you! I'll pick you up at the France Airport once you land :) <3

I smiled at Armin and Mikayla's messages and replied to them first. I simply just ignored Mikasa's messages to me. I went to my home screen and looked at my background. It was the last picture that Mikayla, Armin, Mikasa and I took before Mikayla went to France. My mother took this photo as a memory for the four of us. There were definitely tears and lots of hugs when she left. We shared a few memories with each other till the last second when she left in her mom's car.

Armin was on Mikasa's back with a worried face, as if he felt like Mikasa would drop his small frame any second. Mikayla was on my back, resting her chin on my shoulder and put bunny ears behind my head. She was smiling and her eyes were closed. And Mikasa? Well, she was smiling. Her smile was something you rarely see now a days. But when you do, you feel like smiling. And that's just what I did.

I smiled.


That was another short one but oh well! The fourth one WILL be longer than the others. GUARANTEED! Hope you enjoyed another short chapter :) Chapter 4 will be up in three days or less!


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