Chapter 7 : Over Protective Sister

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France Airport 4:51 Tuesday Day 2 Mikasa's P.O.V.

I still looked around frantically for my brother. He could be stupid sometimes and THIS was one of those times. I had my phone out still. Just incase he texted back.

'Eren... Where the hell are you?!' I thought to myself again. I was standing at baggage claim. Way out in the open for him to see me. 'It's been five minutes! Ugh! Mikasa! Calm down! He could just be caught up with all the people! Ya! But wait... What if he was kidnapped?! Someone could've taken him ANYWHERE! I can't speak French or even read it for that matter. So how am I supposed to know?!' I thought these things to myself as I heard my name being called out from behind me.

"Mikasa!" I heard my name and looked around. I couldn't see where the voice was coming from.

"Mikasa! Over here!" The voice shouted my name once more. I looked around and finally found Eren, shaking his arms wildly above his head. I coud see that he found some people as well.

Two of them looked quite similar. Brown hair up and into a bun. Black glasses and summery outfits. One with a pink top and the other yellow. Blue jean shorts and grey Toms. But one oddly had a white lab coat on over her shirt. Weird... The man they were with was a short and stubborn looking person. He was the height of the shortest female. He wore a black T-shirt black skinny jeans and black Toms. Had raven black hair, like my own, with a clean undercut. His eyes gave me chills as he looked at me from the distance. As the four approached, I sighed.

"Eren, who are these people?" I asked sternly.

"Over protective sister as always huh Mikasa?" The short female interupted me. I was about to give her a snotty remark when I realized who was speaking to me.

"Nice to see you again Red." Mikayla smiled and walked towards me as we embraced ourselves into a hug She was like a sister to me and one of the best friends I could EVER ask for. We could rely on eachother and and we would always be there. I heard an "ahem" behind me and we pulled away from our hug. Only to burst out laughing like old times. We would laugh at the weirdest of things. Even at a serious moment. I even heard Eren chuckle. I looked over and he winked at me. I giggled and caught that silver eyed man basically making puppy eyes as he watched him. But in his own way... More like staring him down. Anger boild intide me and I stopped being happy. He noticed that I caught him staring at my brother. I hissed at him and he rolled his eyes.

"So care to tell me who these two are?" I asked, still glaring at the short man. Mikayla chuckled before replying to me.

"That, (see what I did there? HAH. No? k.) over there, is Hanji. She's my twin sister." Hanji gave me a smile and shook my hand violently.

"HI! IM HANJI! NICE TO FINALLY MEET YOU!" She practically screamed and blew out my ear drum. I still managed a small smile, trying to be polite.

"And that man over there is Levi." I snarled at him and he smirked in return. I huffed and turned to Eren who had a light pink tint to his cheeks.

"I got your suitcase for you.." I said sighing and wheeled over his blue suitcase.

"Thanks." he said sheepishly. I gave him a small smile and started towards the door with the rest of our new group.


Hello everyone! How is everyone today? ^~^ Im doing great! I got this chapter up so i'm a happy camper! Oh! About the song? I was listening to it today and it reminded me of how Mikasa hates Levi. Reffering to to the manga and the anime, how Levi kicked Eren and Mikasa went all bezerk. And reffering to this fic, how Mikasa caught Levi staring at Eren. So now im listening to a FNAF song... God help Apple Music... All I wanted was a nightcore radio! Not animatronics! Sorry... im an otaku and a gaming nerd. o.o + and Ereri shipper :) ANYWHO! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is short but the next few chapters are going to be good and long ones! Tell me how your day is going! And if you EVER need someone to talk to, im here :)



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