Chapter 20: I Love You Too

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Mikayla's Limo 3:00pm Day 7 Third Person P.O.V.

The trip to the airport was silent. A very heavy silence at that. The five people sitting in the limo seemed very upset. Mikasa sat next to Eren while Hanji and Mikayla sat across from the duo. Levi was in the passenger seat next to their driver.

Eren kept his gaze out the window and didn't associate himself with the ladies in the car. Levi was lost in his own thoughts and couldn't sleep well the other night. The words Eren spoke to him the other day had his head a mess. He knew he loved the brunette too, but he couldn't confess to him either.

The raven wasn't aware of the fact that Eren was somehow hurt by his actions. Levi huffed and watched the Airport de Paris come into view. The limo slowed to a stop near the entrance and Levi stepped out of the passenger side. 

Eren let the ladies off first in front of him before he too left the limo one last time. Eren grabbed his sister's bag and his own before following the crowd inside the building. Hanji walked alongside Eren silently. She could sense something was up but didn't want to intrude. 

Hanji worriedly glanced at Eren as he kept his gaze downwards. He seemed to sigh every minute and the sight didn't make Hanji happy. The female brunette pulled Eren by his arm towards a lounge in the airport.

"What is going on Eren?" She ask sincerely. Eren still startled was surprised Hanji would pull him aside like that. Eren could tell the crazy lady was worried about him. Eren glanced at the three people way ahead of the two before looking at Hanji again.



Levi, Mikayla, and Mikasa had finally reached the gate after 15 minutes of walking and going through security. The three assumed that Eren and Hanji were following because none of them spoke even now. 

"Hey Eren-" Mikayla turned around to see neither Eren nor Hanji were behind them. Mikayla's eyes widened. The fact that the three didn't have their other friends with them startled her. Mikasa and Levi also turned around, soon realizing why Mikayla stopped talking.

"Guys... Where is Eren and Hanji?" Mikayla faced the ravens with anger and worry on her face. Mikasa already pulled out her phone and started dialing Eren's phone. Mikayla did the same and called Hanji. Levi was worried himself of the two. The bright eyed cutie and the crazy woman he's known nearly all his life.

"I'll go look for them, you two stay here." Levi said starting to do a sprint in the airport. Both girls looked at each other as if the apocalypse just dawned on them. Still surprised he'd do such an act, they kept calling their two missing friends 


Hanji had been so into Eren's story to the point she ignored their phones ringing. Eren was now in tears after he concluded his story. Hanji felt bad and hugged the younger brunette. She placed a caring kiss atop of his head in reassurance. She could feel him shake after getting rid of all his feelings at once. Poor kid.

"It'll be alright Eren. I knew from the start you were into him." She giggled and rubbed comforting circles on Eren's back. "Ya know, Levi does a good job at masking his feelings, but I can assure you he feels the same way. He's changed over the course of one week with you. He's gotten softer and has grown attached to you, Eren. You changed him." 

Eren's sobs and shaking lessened to a quiver here and there. He moved back slightly from Hanji's comforting arms and wiped his tear stained face. The female brunette smiled at Eren gently and messed up his hair. Eren gave Hanji a light glare but ended up smiling too.

"Thank you." Eren looked down at the ground sheepishly. He also felt his pocket vibrate suddenly. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out his phone and realized there were 47 missed calls from Mikasa. 'Shit' he thought. He glanced up and opened his mouth to tell Hanji they had to leave, but before he could, a voice called out.

"Eren?!!" Said brunette looked to Hanji's left and in the distance he could make out a running figure. He squinted at the figure and noticed it was Levi. Eren immediately raised his arm and flung it left to right. The figure noticed the gesture and ran right towards them. As he got closer, Eren didn't know what to do. 

Levi ran right into Eren and hugged him tightly. The two fell back onto the airport sofa and Eren froze. Levi buried his face into his neck and started murmuring different things in French and English. 

"L-Levi..?" Eren looked down at the mop of raven hair on top of him. Said raven didn't respond and kept hugging Eren. Eren sighed and hugged him back smiling. He rested his chin on Levi's head which was still pressed into the brunettes neck. The two stayed that way for a while and Eren didn't mind at all. His heart was thumping loudly and he was sure Levi could hear it. Although, it didn't matter because he felt the man's thumping just as loudly. 

Eren soon felt light kisses on his neck and soon they reached up to his ear. Eren let out a shaky breath as Levi left kisses everywhere. The older man kissed down Eren's jawline and up to his forehead, down the left cheek, on his eyes, his nose and even his chin. Levi locked eyes with the young man under him.

"I'm gonna kiss you now." He whispered. Eren blushed heavily and closed his eyes when Levi's came closer. Their lips brushed lightly, teasing one another at first. Then they connected smoothly as if they were made to be there together. Eren wrapped his arms around Levi's neck while Levi held himself up on his forearms. Their kiss lasted what seemed like a blissful 5 seconds when Levi pulled away suddenly. 

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you and I want you to come back to me. Come back to me and love me." Eren smiled happily and nodded. 

"Of course. I'll come back to you Levi. I love you too."


OH MY LORD I FINISHED IT. I FINISHED IT EVERYONE ARE YOU PROUD OF ME?!! Holy. Nearly two years later, it's finished. I really hope you all enjoyed this. I'm so sorry for keeping you guys on hold for nearly a year. I apologize greatly. I had no motivation to finish this, but I finally did. I noticed all of you voting and adding this book to your reading lists. That makes me very happy. I appreciate all the love you've given me and this book.

I'm also starting another book called Save Him, Not Me. It is a LevixReader based off of an actual dream I had including Levi. If you're interested, I want to make at least three chapters before I publish the first one. Hope fully that comes out sometime this week. The dream was very adventurous and had quite the plot twist at the end. Obviously I had modified the dream enough to make it into a story. SO!! If you'd like to read it, I hope to have it out this week. I promise. Thank you all again so much. 


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