Chapter 19 : Stars

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Mikayla's Living Room 7:11am Day 6 Eren's P.O.V.

Groaning at the light filling the living room and the couch I slept on, I check my phone for the time. '7:11' it read. Sighing I dropped my phone back on the floor. 7 hours of sleep, what fun. I had to start packing today too, not that I had much. I just had one suitcase of clothes and just things I needed to bring.

I sat up on the couch and put my face in my hands. I then moved my right hand in my hair and brushed my messy brown hair back. I stood up off the couch and wandered into the kitchen. I took the liberty of grabbing a bowl, a spoon and cereal out of Mikayla's pantry and sitting myself down. No one was awake at this time anyways.

A few minutes after enjoying my bowl of cereal, I heard a door open then shut. I didn't pay much attention to it thinking it was Mikasa. I just kept staring at nothing and shoveling food in my mouth.

"Slow down brat. You'll choke." A very low and husky morning voice said before me. Me being me I instantly started choking. The figure in front of me just huffed and turned away. I cleaned myself up before I looked up at Levi. Instantly I blushed, his hair was sticking up in all directions and his shirt was off, leaving him in only pajama pants.

Levi's defined back muscles were visible and I felt my face get hot. I stared down at the bowl before me like it was the most interesting thing in the room. He turned his head towards me before smirking lightly.

"Bacon bright eyes?" I hummed at the offer which earned me two pieces of bacon in my cereal. I glared at the bowl then at Levi who was trying his best not to let out a chuckle. I sighed and picked up the pieces of pork and tried to enjoy Levi's cooking one last time.

Instantly feeling sad about leaving I turned my head away from him. He looked at me in slight concern but faced the bacon he was cooking.

'I'm gonna miss him...' I thought. 'I have to tell him tonight. It's decided.' I was now sparked up with determination. I finished my bowl of cereal and began to wash it out at the sink next to Levi. It was the least I could do for Mikayla.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt muscular arms wrap around my waist. Levi rested his head on my shoulder and sighed. I could feel my heartbeat race out of control and the burning of my now warm face.

"It looked like you needed a hug brat... Don't think too much of it." I sighed after he spoke and relaxed into Levi's touch. I put down the dishes I had in my hands before placing them over Levi's around my waist. I could practically feel the grin he had on his face.


I glanced to our left and saw Mikayla holding a camera while Hanji held back a rather angry Mikasa. The girl with the camera giggled.

"This is going in the album." She smiled and started walking away. Levi's warm hands wriggled free of my body as he stated chasing Mikayla around the house, clearly embarrassed. I just stood there tomato red while staring at the sink.

~Time skip to night brought to you by tomato Eren~

I sat in the grass outside again. Just like the night before. The stars were out. It must be nice to feel free of worry and confusion, emotions at that. Stars are fascinating. I could watch them all day. The moon was full and high up in the dark night sky.

I heard Mikayla's front door open and close again, I payed no mind to it and let my visitor sit next to me as my eyes just stayed glued to the sky. I knew he was there. I could hear his breaths, stalkerish, I know.

"Stars are beautiful ya know... They really inspire me. I've drawn them many times before. Back home, I have a Polaroid camera back in Florida where I live, so I take a bunch of pictures of the sky. I wonder what it's like to be free of emotion..." I said sighing. My chance was now or never. It's gonna hurt when he rejects me, but I just need to get this off my chest.

"I agree with you Bright-"

"Stop..." I said quite loudly. I knew he was taken aback. What am I doing...?

"Just stop... That name you call me... 'Bright Eyes'... Why do you call me that? Just to tease me? Are my eyes "too bright" for you? Is that why you call them that...?"

What am I doing.


"Does teasing me please you?! Does the fact that I'm gay want you to crush my feelings?! Why do you do that Levi?! You're hurting me! You're fueling my confusion! I don't know what the hell to do..."



"I love you..." I finally said it... "I have fallen in love with you... You... You keep doing things to me and it makes me confused... Do you like me too? Or am I just in denial... This is not some petty crush. I've thought about this. This whole week when I was with you, it made me incredibly happy... And thinking about how I'm leaving tomorrow, it doesn't feel right without me telling you... I needed to let you know this before I left..."

I brought my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs before putting my face on my knees. I couldn't face him... I didn't want too...

I heard the sound of grass and the heavy steps of feet walking away from me, possibly forever. I just have to endure it for a little while longer... Just till tomorrow...

Just stop.


OH HAI!! ITS ME! IM ACTUALLY WRITING SOMETHING!! I got my act together finally and actually, my girlfriend inspired me to write this chapter. THIS IS ALSO THE SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK!! AH NOOOO *cries* I really enjoyed writing this book. It took about a year to finish but I still loved writing it!

I also like to think that I've improved in my writing skills over the past months? If you think this chapter is better than the others, please tell me.

I also have a new book I will be posting by the way. It's called "Some Random Writings". It's just as the title states, each chapter is like a one shot. It will only be one part long (unless I decide to continue one) and will have various different writings. This book will not be updated regularly because they're just random writings. If I have a urge to write something, it will be in that book ;)

ANYWAYS I FINALLY UPDATED THIS!! GO ME!! I would like to say thank you to everyone who has put this book and my one shot "Don't Leave Me Alone..." in your reading lists! Also not to mention the reads and votes! I thank everyone so much!

School is beginning again, I will be back in school on the 7th, so not a lot more time to write ;(

Anyways! I will hope to get the last chapter up before then! Thank you for reading this far!


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