Chapter 13 : "Where Are You Going Levi?"

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Mikayla's House Wednesday 12:15PM Day 3 Levi's P.O.V.

(A/N : Yes I know, this chapter is very rushed... grab some tissues just in case you might need them......)

About half an hour later, everyone finished their sandwiches and pastries. They took their precious little time to pass stories back and forth around the table. Either very serious ones or very funny ones. I was annoyed with all the conversations considering i'm not very social. I pulled my phone out from my pocket to check the time.


At 7:30 Mikayla and I would need to get ready for work. Let's just say it's not a very common place to work. It did involve money thought, and lots of it. Mikayla and I actually met there. She was applying for a job at the time. She just left Florida and was 17, practically desperate. When she got the job I almost felt bad for her. Almost... So I became her trainer. She met a few other brats and became good friends with them so working with the three became easier. 

The three also became very popular over the years, which worked out in both our favors. I had troubles of my own and was forced out of my apartment, Pig was the first to offer me the basement in her house. I didn't refuse it but I didn't accept it either. When I finally gave in, I met Four-Eyes. Almost moved out of that place too. But, when you have no where else to go you have to learn to deal with stuff.

I let out a sigh as I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. My friend Petra will be coming to visit. She said she wanted to meet you two!" Mikayla explained to Bright Eyes and snotty-red-scarf over there. I groaned.

"That annoying cat? She's to clingy..." I turned away from the table as Pig sighed.

"She just thinks you're attractive Levi, calm yourself. She just wanted to meet Eren and Mikasa, so let her." I saw Eren turn his head away from me. 'Shit... He probably thinks I like her.' Jealous much eh Bright Eyes?

"What ever..." I said sighing angrily. I glared at Mikayla as she huffed and turned to face Four-Eyes. She stood up and began grabbing everyone's plates and trash. Eren also stood up to help Four-Eyes, soon following Four-Eyes into the kitchen.

"Oh Eren you don't have to help!"

"But I want too." He shrugged and disappeared into the kitchen.

~Time Skip Brought To You By: Levi's Big Ass (Trees)~

Mikayla's House Wednesday Night 7:28PM Day 3 Levi's P.O.V.

Petra arrived, and clung, earlier than expected. She always gave Eren sideways glances as she latched onto my arm. As Mikayla asked how Petra was doing she began telling a story and let go of my arm. I took the opportunity to get up and leave the living room. I slipped away before Petra could notice I was gone and went into my room, locking the door behind me. I saw the look that those bright eyes held when I left the room. He didn't look happy... He looked scared. Why am I worrying about him...? He's just another brat who came to visit France with his sister. Nothing more, nothing less. 

I sighed and made my way over to my closet to grab my "brief case" to put a few useless things in there. I closed my closet and took the "brief case" in my hands. Looking at my phone once more, I realized we were going to be late. I unlocked my door, stepped out, and closed it behind me. 

"Pig, lets go, we're going to be late." She nodded and stood up from the couch to quickly change. I made my way to the door, sliding on my shoes and grabbing a jacket in case it would be cold later. As I began to put on my jacket, I saw a figure leaning on the wall a few feet in front of me. His eyes held sadness, maybe a hint of hurt. What's his problem?

"Where are you going Levi?"


I was suddenly shot in the heart. It hurt so much... The way he said that, made me want to embrace him. Why is he hurting so much? Damn...

"None of your business kid..." Shut up. Don't say that! Why am I being such a prick?! Dammit! Eren looked like he was about to shatter and break to pieces on the floor. I was going to apologize to him but the clicking of heels stopped me from saying anything to the taller boy. Mikayla came trotting down the hallway with black high heeled boots and a long black jacket the stopped before her knees.

"Is there a problem boys?" She asked, glaring at me particularly. Eren shook his head and I sighed.

"No..." I was hesitant on choosing my words, desperately trying not to hurt the kid more. "There isn't, but hurry up. We're already late as it is." I said sternly as I opened the door for Pig. She nodded curtly and walked out of the open door. I looked back once and turned away quickly before I could see another tear slip down Eren's face.


What have I done!?! *sobs* My heart hurt writing this! Alright. I've come to a conclusion. I won't be updating this for at least a week. I will keep you updated on when Chapter 14 will be coming out so check my feed on my profile for anything from me. School is coming up on Tuesday and I want to get back into the morning routine before I come back to update this. I promise I won't leave you hurting for a while after you've read this chapter. There will be good stuff ahead in Chapter 14 :3 <3 LOTS of good stuff. *insert devil face here* I will also be very busy the next few days as well. My update days may be Sundays from now on... i'm not sure. We'll see! But! Anywho! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you and your tissues again next chapter!!

Video : SYS | Let Me Drown  Made By : Niisho   (This MEP was inspired by 'The Intern'. I suggest you go read it if you haven't already because it is LITERALLY the best Ereri/Riren fanfic i've ever read. 'What It Means To Feel' following in it's footsteps. Go read both on 'Archive Of Our Own' Go! Go now! But come back in a week for Chapter 14!!!)


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