Chapter 18 : Feelings

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Mikayla's Living Room 11:50PM Day 5 Eren's P.O.V.

I kept tossing and turning on the couch. It's bugging me. The thoughts I keep having about him, the way he drives me in sane, I can't escape. He caught me in his trap and I can't get out. His stubbornness, his eyes, his hair, mouth, nose, face, shoulders, blush, his arms, his chest, his voice, smirk, shortness, sexiness, kink, sexuality. His EVERYTHING.

He's done this to me all in a few days. I can't believe he's going to leave me soon... Well more like i'm leaving him, but that's besides the point! I want to stay, I really can't leave him alone... He's tied me to a chain with ropes mounted on a wall next to him. Why have you done this to me Levi...

"Levi..." I whispered softly, hugging my pillow from the couch tightly. A few tears escaped but I wiped them away just as quickly as they fell. I pushed the pillow close to my face and inhaled deeply. Yes, that's stalkerish, I can't help it. It smelled like lavender and cleaning products. I chuckled with a smile on my face.

"God dammit... This already hurts so much even thinking about leaving you... You idiot..." I said out into the living room, hoping no one heard me at this hour. My heart hurt, it pounded too. I held the pillow close as a blush arose to my pale cheeks and tears soon began to weld up in my eyes. This time, I didn't even bother to wipe them away.

These are my feelings... Feelings that I can't deny no matter how much I want to. He had me hooked, love at first sight, if you want to call it that. I need to tell him... I need to tell him before I leave in two days. I don't care if i'm rejected, I just need to tell him. Let him hurt me, I need the pain so I know not to hold onto him to much when I go back home. These are my feelings... My feelings of love for a man named Levi.


AHHHHHHHHH I FEEL SO GUILTY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!!! ;------; This is very short too.. (Like Levi :>) A lot of things have been happening and I have state testing coming up in April that I can't escape even if I want to. I had a lot of depression hit me hard in the heart and i'm slowly getting better, just not all the way.

To make you all even more sad, this is the second/third/fourth to last chapter. ;----; I KNOW I DON'T WANT TO END IT BUT I'VE HAD SEQUEL IDEAS!!! I don't know... Writing books are hard mate. It sounded like fun back in June, it's actually quite difficult. I GIVE ALL MY LOVE TO THOSE AMAZING AUTHORS WHO PUT THEIR LIFE INTO MAKING BOOKS LIKE THESE FOR PEOPLE TO ENJOY!!! I admire all who do that :) I don't know if I will make a sequel or not.. It's just been so difficult to keep up. I feel like shit for not updating for more than a month, but at least I got SOMETHING up today.


I seriously need to stop talking in all caps. Heh. ANYWAYS!! (I did it again -_-) I hope you all enjoyed because I feel awful for not updating regularly. I basically lost all inspiration and hope in this book, but I WILL finish it! Don't worry! I won't stop in the middle! I am committed to finishing this book! I hope you all enjoyed! I hopefully will have chapter 19 up before a month.

(much love) kktrys

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