Chapter 5 : Who Knows?

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Quebec Airport 12:04 PM Tuesday Day 2 Eren's P.O.V. Day 2

It's 12:04 and we just departed from Rose Airlines. We'll board Sina Airlines in roughly an hour. We should be in France by 3:20ish... that's what i'm hoping for. Mikasa and I walked into the foreign Airport and began to look for baggage claim.

~Time Skip brought to you by Sina Airlines! Thank you for skipping with us!~

*45 minutes later*

We waited in comfortable seats by our gate for our seat numbers to be called.

"Hey Eren...?" Mikasa called my name. She looked straight forward and didn't bother to look at me when I looked back over to her. 'What's wrong with her?' I thought.

"Yes Mikasa?" I asked her in return. I looked at her, still confused with the way she's acting. She almost looked... Worried.

"What if... What if Mikayla is different from the time we last saw her? I mean, its been 3 years..." She finally craned her head to look at me.

I didn't know what to say. I mean, what if Mikasa's is right? What if she was more sophisticated than the more laid-back girl I was used to? What if she had a family? A boyfriend? Maybe a girlfriend even? What if she was married?! No wait... she would've told me about that. Plus she's only 19. I don't really know if she changed though... What if she doesn't have that Fall Out Boy fan shirt I gave her for her 16th birthday? I remember that day... Good memories.

"Mikasa I don't think-"

"Row 67 Seats E and F?"

Our seat number were heard over the loud speaker which caught our attention. I got out my plane ticket and passport and walked over to the attendant. I handed her the ticket and followed Mikasa onto our last plane.

~Another Time Skip Brought to you by Sina Airlines! Thanks for reading and enjoy the skip!~

Mikayla's House 2:45 Tuesday Levi's P.O.V Day 2 (A/N I SUCK AT LEVI'S P.O.V. SO IM SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE!!)

"Oi Pig, get up." I shook Mikayla violently. She's those kind of people who don't cooperate when being woken up. I shook her more until I decided to push her off the couch. She kept murmuring to me like 'Go away' and '5 more minutes'. I rolled her off the couch and she landed with a thud.


"Huh?" She grumbled. A complete idiot I tell you. Can't even wake a bitch who sleeps like a log now can ya?

"Come on get up Pig." I said before giving her a quick foot to the stomach. She groaned in pain.


"We have to get those brats in 15 minutes." She perked right up and I smirked, only to get a faceful of pillow in return. I growled.

"Levi you idiot! I said 2:00!! Not 15 minutes before 3:00!"


I chuckled as she dashed away from me to do God who knows what.

"Oi! Four-Eyes! We're meeting your new test subject in 15 minutes! Get ready!" I said with a hiss. I heard a squeal come from that Shitty-Glasses' bedroom and a groan from Mikayla. I went into the basement which was for now, my room. I walked up infront of my mirror and put a little gel in my short hair. Who knows? Maybe i'll like that Eren brat they speak of...

Who knows.


Oh Levi, you as straight as a rainbow. Honey you very gay. :) Ereri happening soon! So don't fret my little ones! This is what the story is about ;) Cuteness overload. Also! I need opinions! I have upcoming planes for a chapter that I NEED OPINIONS on! So I will give a sneak peak. RIIIIGHT


Mikaylas House 8:30PM Eren's P.O.V.

It wasn't until 8:30 till someone spoke again. It was Hanji to break the silence (as always). Mikasa went to bed soon after Mikayla and Levi left. That was like, 45 minutes ago. Hanji coughed and I looked up from my phone. Then turning it off knowing something was going to happen. Hanji clapped her hands once she had Petra and my attention.

"Okay guys! I'm tired of sitting here! Lets go do something!"

She says quite happily. I rolled my eyes knowing she had an idea of five million planned. Before I could speak, Petra spoke.

"Like what?" She said very annoyed with Hanji. 'Ounch, what nipped her in the butt?' I almost smiled but Hanji huffed and spoke again.

"I thought that maybe we could try out Club Corps?!" She said all to excitedly as if she had it planned. I was quite worried. What were clubs like in Fance? I probably looked pale because Hanji gave me a look of concern.

"Dont worry Eren! Mikayla has that place approved!" She said smiling. I felt a bit of weight fall off my shoulders. I sighed. What harm could it do?

"I guess we could go..." I said trailing off, not wanting to look at Hanji. She squealed and I just rolled my eyes.

"Well it's settled then! Petra grab your keys! We're going to Club Corps!!"


Ok so! That was the preview! Hoped you liked it! ANYWAYS! You opinion on it matters in what perspective you want it in! I can do the following.

1. Eren's P.O.V.

2. Levi's P.O.V.

3. Third person/Authors P.O.V. (OMG IDEK WTH IS HAPPENING!!! im pressing ctrl and not shift so here's the fancy writing o.o JUST START PRESSING RANDOM LETTERS! XD)

4. Eren and Levi's P.O.V's

5. Or Levi and Author/Third Person

So this is where the help comes in! HELP! P.O.V. Help! Which one shall I do! Let me know or i'll have to figure it out myself o.o THANKS!!


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