Chapter 10 : Realization Strikes Again

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Mikayla's Limo Wednesday 11:15AM Day3 Eren's P.O.V. (A/N : IM SO SORRY IF THIS ISN'T WHAT FRANCE LOOKS LIKE! I'M USING MY IMAGINATION OK!? Please don't get mad ;_;)

This morning Mikayla and Hanji ushered Mikasa and I into the limo, they invited Levi but he said he was going to "clean the fuck out of this place". Meaning he was going to "clean the fuck" out of Mikayla's house. I was disappointed but happy nonetheless because Mikayla and Mikasa were going to be with me, Hanji too. We took about a 5 minute drive into town. The ride was silent but comfortable. My mend went back to last night... Or this morning... What ever you want to call it. Why did he do that? I have no idea, let alone I enjoyed it. Fuck i'm so gay... I mentally slapped myself as those butterflies appeared in my stomach again as I thought of him.  He's going to make me go insane... it's only been 2 days and i've barely talked to him at all!

When we arrived in town, I exited the limo and took in my surroundings. Everything was so foreign, it wasn't like Florida where everone was either in short shorts or bathing suits. I saw multiple buildings and homes built right next to each other with barely any room left apart. Mikayla gave me a gentle smile before turning away for a second to speak to her sister as my own approached me. I reached into my pocket and grimaced when I felt the cracked screen under my fingers. I sighed but pulled it out. Mikasa gave me a face of confusion and looked concerned.

"What the hell did you do?" She asked, clearly pissed at me.

"Chucked it against the wall..." I said between gritted teeth.

"Well i'm not getting you a new one. You shouldn't have done that. Learn from you mistakes." Mikasa said sternly. I knew what she was talking about. We barely have any money to rent our apartment, let alone attend high school anymore because we keep traveling. I couldn't care less if this was our last ever trip because I know this would be a trip I wouldn't regret. Mikayla stepped away from Hanji to approach us while her sister pulled out her own phone and dialed someone on it. (that someone will appear later :D)

"What happened Eren?" Mikayla asked once she reached us. I sighed.

"I was angry and chucked my phone against your fireplace last night..." I said trailing off and looking away. She sighed and shook her head.

"Welp, i'll get you a new one then." My eyes widened as my head turned to face her.

"What?! You don't have to do that for me!" I tried to beg her not to do anything for me. She HAS to be kidding. She just ignored me and walked over to Hanji again.

"Eren and I are going to make a pit-stop. Go grab some sweets and meet us at Garrisons." Hanji nodded and took Mikasa's arm and dragged her into the bakery before us. Mikayla took my own wrist and started walking away from the bakery. I caught up so she let go.

"Mikayla, seriously, you don't have to do this for me, I made the mistake-"

"Enough Eren. You gave me the chance to see you again, I have to repay you some how." She looked dead into my eyes. Her hazel eyes held compassion and affection. I sighed, turning my head away. She won this time. As we reached Garrisons, the electronic shop, she nodded at me to let me know that she'll be right back, taking my phone with her. I gave her a dismissive hand and began to look around the shop. They had iPods, iPhones, iPads, i ANYTHING! You name it! Once I made it through the smaller devices I saw multiple different laptops. I've always wanted a laptop, but again, money is something Mikasa and I don't usually have. There were multiple different kinds of laptops, Chromebooks, Macs, Dells, Windows, all sorts of them.

"Want a laptop too Eren?" I was startled by the voice behind me. I whipped around to see who was talking to me only to find Mikayla chuckling.

"Fucking hell Mikayla! You scared me! And to answer your question, NO! Absolutely not! You're extremely lucky that i'm giving in for you to do something like this for me!" I practically screamed at her. She just giggled and handed me a box.

"Here." Mikayla held out an iPhone 6 to me and rolled her eyes. I was shocked, I thought she was just going to get me another Samsung! Not an iPhone! I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you so much." I whispered. She sighed but returned the embrace.

"Anything for my brown mop." She whispered back. I smiled and let go of her, taking the iPhone and looked at it. Smiling in the process. I was so happy, i've never been this happy in forever. Mikayla ALWAYS knew how to make me happy. It's just her vibe really, making others feel happy or welcome. I can always lean on her for support.

"HELLO LOVE BIRDS! HAVE A NICE PHONE NOW EREN?!" Was said as Hanji practically threw the doors off their hinges. Mikasa and Levi trailing behind. Wait! When did Levi get here?! I thought he was staying home! I started to panic. I just threw on a green sweatshirt with a striped tee under it. A beanie on my head to cover up my messy hair, skinny blue jeans and white Toms. Did I look ok? Fuck. My gaydar is going off again. But I looked over at Mikasa and Levi again. They looked like actual siblings, it was so creepy. Mikasa and Levi's eyes were similar, but Levi's were more silver than Mikasa's. They both had raven black hair too. The two looked like they were actually talking about something instead of glaring at each other for once. I knew Mikasa didn't approve of Levi, so what were they talking about?

Hanji definitely earned attention from her entrance. I chuckled. This trip will seriously be interesting. Levi looked away from the floor and up at me, our eyes meeting as I basically melted. I tried so hard not to look like an idiot so I smiled at him and turned towards the two sisters.

"US?!" Mikayla looked at me in pure disgust but her eyes said other wise. Which scared me... Her eyes then returned to normal before smiling and turning back to her sister.

"We tried once but that didn't work." I let out a small chuckle and scratched my neck awkwardly.  I didn't know what took over me, but something did...


"He's as straight as a rainbow!" Mikayla nearly doubled over in laughter. I was so close to slapping her as the heat on my face grew. The realization hit me. Like when you realized you left something at home when you're going on a camping trip and you're half way to your destination. My eyes widened as I shoved the iPhone into Mikayla's hands, walked over to Mikasa, grabbed her wrist, and dragged her out and away from the shop. When I saw that we were away from Garrisons, I slumped against the nearest wall, letting go of my adopted sisters wrist.

Shit... Why did she say that?! Levi was right there... Crap... She gave to many questions unanswered and I knew Mikayla or I would need to answer them. I felt like crying. Why am I acting like this... This... Isn't like me... I feel like i'm drowning in this feeling... Help... I soon felt a hand on my shoulder as Mikasa crouched in front of me.

"Have you ever been in love...? But never realized it?" I asked her between shaky breaths as two tears slid down my face.

"Oh Eren..." She pulled me into her and hugged me tightly. I put her face on my shoulder as I began to cry uncontrollably.

"I'm in love... and I just realized it..."

This Passport Belongs To: [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now