Second Chances

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Cairos POV*

"I apologize, Samia is not feeling well tonight. Jaques will show you and your men to your quarters and I will see you in the morning," announced Illios.

I've known my brother for far too long to not tell when he was lying. My niece was not ill, that much I can sense, but why she was not coming down to greet me I did not know for sure.

I made sure to bring two of my finest knights for her. Under my command, once she chooses one of them I will be able to control both kingdoms. Samia will still be queen but the new king will do whatever I want. If she does not choose to wed, the crown will fall to me automatically. It's a win-win situation.

I studied my twin, he looked tired and worn out. There was a time when we were very close, inseparable. My father changed that when he decided to split the kingdom in two. The throne was rightfully mine as I was born first but my father's heart got soft and wanted us both to reign in some way.

My hate for my brother grew after mother was murdered. They said it was vampyres who did it but I was so blinded by my rage for Illios that I blamed him... him and his filthy vampyre witch. In anger, I casted a death spell that was aimed for my brother... but father foolishly threw himself in the way to protect his son. I had killed father... an act I still regret to this day.

After that fateful day, I was no longer seelie, my powers had changed immensily and I had become un-seelie. By the time I tried to repent for my sins, the darkness had spread within my kingdom and I was too late. What I did not know then was that dark magic affects the wielder. My only son, my knights and I were not physically changed dramatically because we were more powerful than the rest.

The under fae though, they became monsters. The dark magic consumed them. If I could but have the power of the golden throne, I could attempt to reverse everything. I remember the day I asked my brother for his help...

'Brother, please lend me your powers so that I may attempt a spell to change my people back to their original selves. Let me chase the darkness away.'

'You actually think me a fool Cai? You want my powers to further ruin us. How can I trust you to even return my powers to me after what you did to father?'

'Illios! That was an accident. I was angry. I was in a dark place after mother was murdered. I blamed you. I'm sorry. Please...'

'No, Cairos. Find another way. I want nothing to do with your court. They are sickened with evil. I want no part in it'

My own brother lost faith in me. I will prove my worth again when I undo my wrongs.

Illios snapped me out of my thoughts, "Cai! I am speaking with you."

"Yes Brother. I will see you in the morning. Hopefully Samia feels better by then", I muttered.

Author's Note: Pic of Cairos--->

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