Portal to... Where?

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Samia POV*

"Lookey what I haaaave..."

I looked up to see Keira holding a pink bikini top with a shit eating grin on her face... Was that?.. I looked down and gasped.

"You wench!" She always does this to me! She knows when I get too woozy from alcohol I can't think straight enough to cast any magic. She enjoys messing with me in little twisted (and not very funny) ways!

I covered my chest with one arm while I waded through the water towards her and flailed my other arm around yelling for her to give it back.

That's when, of course crap like this only happens to me, Cain comes waltzing out from the forest to catch me topless and screaming like a banshee at my current ex-best friend.

He shot me an amused grin as he leaned against one of the trees while he crossed his arms over his chest and continued to watch the show.

I froze mid screech only to realize that I had unconsciously reached up with both hands for the bikini top that Keira (who by the way is super tall-like amazon tall) was holding out of reach.

"Eeek!" I quickly covered my chest again with both hands as I glared at Keira who finally had mercy on me and gave the cursed top back to me. I gave Cain my back and sank down to my neck in the water to slip it back on with flaming cheeks of embarrassment decorating my face.

"Princess? May I have a word?" He sounded a bit strained so I peeked over my shoulder to look at him only to see the unexpectedly hungry look of arousal in his eyes.

I didn't think my cheeks could burn any brighter but the good thing was this whole fiasco sobered me up and I was hella pissed. Keira forgets I have royal blood in my veins and I'm more powerful than her even though she's 124 years my senior. She stopped aging in her twenties, like I will. I'm just a babe compared to her but nonetheless I can still overpower her.

As I made my way to Cain I flicked my wrist in her direction and held her immobile, affectively freezing her powers in the process as well. Then I blew her a kiss as a rather large yellow boa snake slithered around her leg and made it's way up her body.


Did I mention how much Keira hates snakes?

After what seemed like an eternity of Keira ranting and raving, I decided to discontinue my torment so I dismissed the snake and released her from my hold. She blew out a relieved breath and sent me a glare before disappearing into thin air, I'm sure teleporting herself to Luka so he can comfort her poor nerves.

I reached Cain with a satisfied smile painted on my face, "What brings you here, Sir Cain?" I felt his searing gaze on my exposed body, I still had on my pink bikini that only covered up my important bits so I snapped my fingers and covered myself up with the tank top and cutoff shorts from earlier.

I suppose he caught himself gawking at me so he quickly masked his emotions and looked back up at me indifferently. Men, always too manly to show us their true feelings.

"That was interesting princess, do you always lose your clothes in public?"

I scoffed. "As if I had a choice in the matter!"

He let out a bark of laughter, "Oh goddess, remind me to never anger you."

I gave him an impatient look and raised my eyebrows questionly... What was he doing here anyway? Wasn't I the one who was supposed to stalk him? I mean follow... No! I mean... Ugh forget it.

"So...?" I drew out.

"Well, Princess, I was hoping we can spend some time together... Maybe share a meal?" He asked tentatively.

"Sure, where would you like to treat me?" I replied with a playful smile. I was flattered he sought me out in the first place.

"I thought you liked surprises?.. let me take you somewhere nice," he gifted me with his killer smile and bent down to kiss my cheek. I shivered as his lips lingered ever so close to mine. Is he going to?

He pulled away from me suddenly... He obviously enjoyed seeing how easily he could get me to blush like a little school girl with a crush...

Leaves crunched behind me and he looked up past me with a grimace.

I turned around to find Llyr glaring at Cain. I swear... just my luck.


Cain POV*

"I thought you liked surprises?... let me take you somewhere nice." I told her. I couldn't help it, I was so attracted to this little hellcat. I kissed her cheek, but found it hard to keep from attacking her lips instead. Her breasts exposed to me earlier were perfect mounds that had my palms itching to cup them. I bit my lip to keep from doing what I truly wanted to her when I picked up another presence nearby.

I pulled away from Samia to see none other than Llyr. I thought I put that fool down...

"Was I interrupting something?" he said bitterly.

I replied "Yes" just as the princess answered "No!"

I sighed, "Did you want something Llyr? We were just about to leave." I asked clearly irritated by his presence.

He ignored me and turned to the princess, his gaze softened as it landed on her, "Sam? I was searching for you at the palace... I figured you would be here. I..." He hesitated as he glanced back at me then her again, "I need to speak with you, but I suppose it can wait. Come find me when you are not too 'occupied'" he said the last rather sharply.

The princess looked up at me with a torn expression but then turned to run up to Llyr. I let out an exasperated breath as I saw the two sharing whispered words together. She let out a delicate giggle as he put his arm around her. That feeling returned again, the jealousy was beginning to eat at me and I could hear my dragon growling in my head. He doesn't like the princess being touched by another male. He doesn't like someone else touching what was ours.

I had to compose myself to not lash out and beat the knight before me to a bloody pulp. She wasn't officially mine yet, but just as well, she will be eventually. I caught some of her words, "... Llyr... please... I promise I will come see you... I must go.... No... Oh stop it... 'Giggle'... Alright that's enough... Bye..."

"I bid you farewell then love," he spoke loudly so I could hear clearly. He grabbed the princess's hand and kissed it all the while his gaze never left mine. "Until I have you all to myself." My fists were balled up at my side so tightly I could feel my nails digging into my palm drawing blood. What I wouldn't do to wipe that pleased look off his face....

He walked away and disappeared into the forest. The princess came back to me and grabbed a hold of my arm with an excited look on her delicate face, "Shall we?".

I smiled down at her, all earlier ill feelings forgotten as she looked up at me so innocently. She was simply irresistible whenever she smiled wide enough for her cute dimples to grace her lovely face. "We shall," I said softly.

I conjured my wings as I picked her up bridal style. She let out a surprised gasp but kept smiling. I flew us up in the sky and began heading to our destination.

We landed in an open field a little ways away from the castle. The princess looked around confusingly and asked, "Where are we?"

I conjured the portal to the realm that I wanted to take her to... a portal to Earth, where the humans resided. A brilliant blue, illuminated archway appeared with a foggy mist within it.

"Do you trust me Princess?"

She hesitated a bit, looking up at the great arch, "I..do?"

I chuckled at her obvious nervousness.

"You don't sound so sure."

She smiled and seemed to relax a bit after I placed a hand at her lower back and massaged her softly.

"I will place my trust in you Sir Cain, but do not allow me to soon regret it", she said with conviction.

I gazed down at her seriously, willing her to believe in me as I was beginning to believe in her more each day, "I wouldn't dream of letting you down, Princess."

Author's Note: Pic of Keira--->

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