A Dragon's Heart

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Samia POV*

"Today's event will test our knight's strength. Using their energy forces-only, they will attempt to knock each other off of their designated platform. Whomever is left standing wins... And well... Whomever falls first is eliminated," explained father.

The knights were all sizing each other up, all but one. From the corner of my eye I notice Cain. His stare was unnerving really, I could feel it burning a hole through me. I desperately tried not to look but found myself shifting my gaze to land on his.

He quickly turned away, as if he didn't wish me to see he was practically eating me with his eyes... Strange man he is. I still don't understand why he's here, to date he had shown no interest in me at all? I silently promised myself to get to the bottom of his true motives... that is if he lasts any longer here.

The knights all climbed onto their platforms. They paused, awaiting the signal from uncle...

"Begin," he announced.

All of the knight's eyes began to glow, signaling they were about to use their magic, pulling the energy from Avalon's atmosphere.

It looked like Llyr, Cain and Sebastian all simultaneously nodded to one another and began focusing their energy all at once towards Aerys.

He put up a fight, but three centuries old fae men was always going to best only one.

He began to tremble slightly as he raised his arms and directed his own energy out to the three hell bent on sending him packing.

After a few minutes that frankly felt like hours later, he collapsed from exhaustion.

The guards collected him and took him away to the infirmary.

Sebastion let out a tired sigh. Llyr noticed his weakened state and began to force him down on his knees. Cain attempted to save his un-seelie brother but was too late.

Llyr made quick to rid himself of poor Sebastian who ended up being carried off by the guards as well.

It was Cain and Llyr now. Llyr was still recovering from not only eliminating Aerys, but Sebastian as well. Cain took advantage of his window of opportunity and threw out a powerful blast towards Llyr.

Llyr was caught off guard and flew into a nearby tree which broke in half from the force of the blow. The crowd let out an audible gasp as he slid down the trunk.

I ran to where he landed and fell to my knees at his side.

"Llyr! Are you okay?" I was so afraid for him... Aside from blood oozing out of his nose, which I'm sure was from the strain of using so much energy at one time and a gash on the side of his face... he looked relatively uninjured.

A bit dazed he breathlessly answered, "I'm fine love. Although seeing your pretty face scrunched up in worry over my wounds touches me dearly."

I blew out a relieved breath I hadn't realized I was holding and wrapped my arms around him. He chuckled, but made a face of pain as he grabbed his ribs. I helped him up and began to walk him to the infirmary to join the others but uncle grabbed my elbow and jerked his face towards the awaiting audience and Cain.

I sighed, "I will come visit you shortly, okay Llyr?" He nodded in understanding. I went up on tip-toe and pecked his cheek. I watched him limp away as I forced my legs to walk the other way.

As father announced our winner and the crowd roared with applause, Cain approached me with a smirk on his face. What I wouldn't do to slap that look right off his face. I, however, gave him a polite smile and congratulated him, "Well done, Sir Cain."

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