And the winner is...

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Cain POV*

I stared down at the princess while I stretched my wings out behind me. My father was a dragonlord. He was son of King Draiko. Yes, my father is royalty but no, that does not make me a prince.

You see, my father, Prince Kilroy, fell in love with a fairy. He was promised to another dragonswan at the time but did not care. He still pursued her... After King Draiko threatened the fairy's unborn child if she should stay, she ran away. That fairy was my mother, Jaida... that unborn child, was me. 

She has been a part of the un-seelie court ever since. My sister Leila is pure fae, she is only my half sister.

No one knows who I truly am, nor do I want them to. I don't need Draiko finding out who I was to only send someone to try and kill me. For now, I wish to only impress the princess in order for her to keep me around long enough to save Leila...

Because I am a half breed I have the good fortune of not only being able to shift into a dragon form whenever I choose, but I am also able to wield magic like the fae. The best of both worlds lay at my fingertips.

A collective gasp surrounded me as everyone stared in awe.

Princess Samia walked up to me slowly, she held her hand up and stroked my face. "Wow", she breathed. She looked so cute with her face so enchanted by my new form. Wait.. Cute?

"Amazing", she uttered, still in shock.

I couldn't help myself, I nuzzled her hand a bit with my snout. She smiled then and continued stroking me. It did feel nice... but I wont let myself get accustomed to her touch.

I moved away from her and thought of my fae form and changed back. I smirked and gave her a stiff bow before returning in line with the others.


Samia POV*

He was such an amazing creature. Was that magic he used to shape-shift? Or is he really a dragon? But how was he a dragon and part of the un-seelie court? It doesn't make any sense?

I was in the grand hall now with father and uncle discussing the winner and loser of today's event. I was still trying to figure Cain out when father turned to me and asked, "What do you think my dear child?".

"Um.. well, clearly we all know who the winner is."

Father spoke, "Of course Llyr-" at the same time Uncle said, "Yes, Cain", they both glared at each other.

"Yes, yes well they both did a fine job but my favorite was Sebastian! I mean this quest was supposed to be which knight impressed me the most and I just loved what he did. He's such a lovely artist and incredibly sweet."

They both looked at me like I had lost my mind. But uncle was a bit more pleased than father was.

Cairos said, "Yes, well that will most definitely make him our winner then."

Father was out voted and clearly pissed. He added, "Very well then child, who did the worst?"

I wasn't that fond of Aerys or Micah so I didn't know which one I wanted to rid myself of sooner. Micah has bedded almost every woman at court and I most definitely did not want sloppy seconds or thirds... And so on...

And then there was Aerys. The man does get under my skin with his high almighty attitude. But he did ask that I give him a chance to see the real him no? And I did accept his rose didn't I. Well then, doesn't that mean i've already made my choice?


Llyr POV*

"I'm sorry Micah, but you are no longer in the running for my daughters hand." Announced the king.

I was so relieved, one down... Three to go. I pushed back my indigo hair from my face. I stared at the other three knights in the way of me being with the one I love.

That was quite a stunt Cain pulled this morning. A dragon... What did he think that he can scare us off? Not likely. I could still kick his ass.

And Aerys, what in the world is that prick still doing here. You'ld think Samia would see right through him.

Sebastian didn't seem like such a bad guy, but he was still un-seelie and still dating my girlfriend so I don't like him either.

Samia stood from her table. "I would like to proudly announce the winner of today's event." She looked stunning in that dress. Goddess how I loved her so... Please say my name... Say my name... Say my name. "Sebastian."

What the hell! Sebastian turned to me and gave me a huge grin. He went to Samia, took her hand in his and kissed it. He held out his arm for her. She hooked hers in his and they walked out of the hall together.

The gods must truly dislike me to allow me to witness that. He better keep his paws off her or I was going to make him wish he never entered this competition to begin with...


Samia POV*

We were walking out into the night with our arms entwined. Sebastian gives my stomach little butterflies every time he gives me that smile of his. I didn't know where he was taking me but frankly, I didn't care.

"So Princess, what do you usually do for fun out here?"

"Keira and I like to go in town sometimes," I replied.

"Well then, lets go"

We lifted ourselves from the ground and flew in the air together. A comfortable silence fell between us during our trip. Every now and then he would look over to me to make sure I was okay... sigh.. what a charmer.

We finally made it and landed on the cobbled street. There were people milling around in groups. A couple of witches sitting on a bench noticed our presence. They looked at Sebastian with hungry eyes. I know he was handsome but God i'm standing right here you would think they would have some common courtesy!

The beautiful blonde one looked at me with envy and hate in her pale blue eyes. "See something you like... something you can't have?" I said to her.

She squinted her eyes at me and scoffed, turning back to her little brunette friend. The nerve of her, really.

Sebastian snickered and grabbed my hand. We headed into a nice italian restaurant.

The waitress led us to a corner booth towards the back. She took our orders after drooling over my date and then left us to ourselves.

"So Sebastian, tell me about your family."

"My mother and father died when I was but a small child. I have taken care of my younger brother Fintan ever since. He is back at the kingdom now, with his love to keep him 'occupied'." He smiled as he spoke of his brother. He loved him so much I could tell.

"Why didn't the darkness affect you or your brother during the outbreak all those years ago?"

"My mother and father took us away. They taught us how to protect ourselves against it. How to not give in to the whispers of evil. Once they believed us strong enough we returned home. It was awful what had become of our people. Some of them left but others refused to leave. One of the under fae attacked my parents and killed them. I never found out who they were. I just wish things were how they once were..." His gaze darkened as he reminisced the older days.

I hadn't wished to sour the mood. So I took hold of his hand and said, "Let's talk about lighter things, shall we?" He nodded.

The rest of the night went well. We talked about our childhood and laughed at his jokes. He told me about his art and how he used it as an escape... I had a couple glasses of wine but I wasn't too influenced.

Once we were back at court Sebastian gave me a hug. He held my face with both of his hands and dipped his head down. Should I?

His lips covered mine. He gave me a soft kiss that was quite lovely. I sighed and he took that as invitation to invade my mouth with his tongue. He was such a good kisser, I could stay like this forev-

Someone behind me cleared their throat. I pulled away from Sebastian to find Llyr standing there... and he was certainly not happy.

Author's Note: Pic of Cain--->

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