A New Day

388 29 5

Samia POV*

I was running.

The trees blurred past me as I continued running for my life.

I gasped loudly as I realized there was a cliff coming up, a dead end. I attempted to conjure my wings but for some reason it felt as if they didn't exist?

I dug my heels into the dirt and crouched low to drag my hands through the grass in an attempt to stop abruptly. My foot landed halfway off the edge of the cliff. My breathing was uncontrollable and I could feel my heart thudding in my chest ferociously.

Peering over the edge of the cliff, I gulped loudly. That was a close one. If I would've fallen, that would have been the end of me...

"You can run princess, but you cannot hide from me."

I gasped and turned around quickly to find... no one.

"Who are you?"

His deep laugh echoed in the clearing...

I turned towards the sound, to my right, but again... no one.

"What do you want from me?"I asked as I circled around myself, searching for the man behind the disembodied voice.

"What fun would that be if I told you what I wanted from you?"

"Why won't you just leave me alone.."

"Oh, but I can't do that. You see princess, I made a bargain some time ago and once I complete my end, I will be collecting my payment."

I was shivering from the chills that ran up and down my spine. I was almost too afraid to ask...

"What exactly is that payment?"

"Not what Princess, who."


"That's enough for now. I am still angry you escaped my grasp but I assure you, it will not happen again. The sun is rising, I must leave you... for now."

My hair danced around my shoulders as a cold wind brushed past me. It quickly died down just as suddenly as it had come. I felt his presence leave just then.

I was alone.

I looked behind me to see the sunset paint oranges, pinks and yellows in the otherwise darkened sky.

I was suddenly exhausted and laid down on the grass. I closed my eyes and tried to remember what just happened. The scene before me slowly began slipping from my mind. The harder I tried to think about it, the more the memories began to fade. Like holding sand in your fist too tightly, it would slip right between your fingers the tighter you closed it.

All around me, the trees began to blur and too fade from my sight. The rising sun shone brighter in the sky then. I closed my eyes to the blinding white light that glared in my face.

I tried to squint past it but for the love of Aphrodite the blasted thing was too bright.

I groaned in agony.

"Morning little mate."

I opened my eyes to the familiar voice, only to find Stephan standing in front of the window with the curtains drawn. He purposely threw open those blinds to wake me up painfully!

"Ugh... go away." I pulled the covers over my head and turned over to give him my back.

I felt him take hold of the covers I had buried myself under and yank the sheets away. I groaned and curled up tucking my head under the pillow to shield me from the godforsaken sun. I just wish Apollo would stay away longer.

"Little mate?"

I answered with silence.

"Look, I know you don't want to be here with me, the least you could do is give me a chance." He said solemnly.

I shot up and glared at him angrily, "How dare you stand there and ask for a chance when you've given me no choice!"

He flinched at my sudden outburst. I was fuming as the events from last night played back in my head. The nerve of him, after he kidnapped me and basically claimed me as his property like I was a... a.. an object!

I was about to give him more grief when I took in his appearance and all but bit down on my tongue to stop myself. The man was ruggedly handsome that was for sure. His muscles taunted me with wanton urges, my mouth suddenly dry with thirst that could only be quenched by him. I all but devoured him with my hungry stare, his chest was built like a God, smooth golden skin over hard ridges perfectly outlining his strong physique.

My stare traveled lower, following the tiny wisps of hair that trailed from his belly button down to the top of his extremely low ridden pants. I shivered at what I knew lay beneath.

I raised my head back to his face which had a proud smirk gracing it.

I squinted my eyes accusingly as we both knew I had been outright ogling him.It was clearly the affects from that mark he gave me last night, I'm sure of it! Or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it...

I cleared my dry throat and spoke, "When do you plan on letting me go?"

He looked regretfully away. "You know I can't let you go."

I was about to say some pretty nasty things before a thought occurred to me. I was only temporarily hindered from that drug the vampire gave me. If I could play nice for a few days, maybe it will wear off and I can escape his grasp when he least expects it!

I hid my growing excitement at the thought of my freedom and nonchalantly said, "Well, if I'm to stay, against my will, I suppose you could at the very least feed me."

He brightened up and ran out of the room and shut the door behind him. What tha...? I should've said I was hungry sooner if only to get him to leave me alone. Maybe I could climb out th-

The door flew open and I groaned as I realized I had clearly spoken too soon. He was wearing a grin and carrying a tray of what looked like a small feast with biscuits, eggs, pancakes, fruits, bacon, orange juice, coffee and... awe how cute, even a little white vase with a single rose to complete the well thought out gesture.

I excused myself to the bathroom as I freshened up and stared at my reflection. I looked tired and a bit pale, but understandable considering all the stress I've been through the last 24 hours. I began to brush my fingers through the tangles in my hair as I thought about Llyr. Oh how I wished it was him standing out there waiting for me. I looked down at the shirt I was wearing and imagined it being Llyr's. A single tear slid down my

cheek. I angrily wiped it away. I had to be strong.

I finished up and held my chin up in confidence as I put my hand on the nob to open the door. I'm princess of the light fae and by goddess I will start acting like it. I wasn't going to let some werewolf manipulate me with kindness and... good looks.

I swung open the door, took one look at Stephan and all confidence left me quicker than the virginity of a bride on her wedding night. Stupid mark!

Author's Note: So sorry I took so long to update, I promise to update again soon! Toodles!

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