I've Always Loved You

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Samia POV*

The night Stephan declared that I was his mate, I found myself tossing and turning in bed wondering if it could possibly be true. I shivered just thinking about how his hand felt on my arm... imagine how his kiss must taste?... his...

I shook my head. I have to stop thinking about him. I know that I promised father that if I found my mate I would be allowed to marry him instead... but for God sake no one said it was going to be a werewolf!? Father would disown me. He would rather the dark king take the throne then some wolf. He would never accept the union of his only daughter and her werewolf mate to rule in his stead. I should just go on with this horrid knight competition and accept my duty as future queen. Apparently the fates were having a field day when they chose my mate.

Suddenly, Rebekah came rushing in my room. She pushed back my covers and climbed into bed with me. She pulled up the comforter over her head and mumbled something to me. What?

I pulled back the covers, her head peeking out from underneath. "Bekah! What are doing down there?"

"Do you think he saw me?"

"Who saw you?"

"He won't leave me alone Sami! Every time he spots me, he tries to attack me with his 'so-called' moves"

"Who are you talking about?" I reiterated.

She gave me a confused look, "Micah of course."

I groaned, "He is such a jerk. He'll never change, I swear... always chasing skirts. I'm sure he keeps after you because he doesn't take rejection easily." I smirked, "He can't have you, so he wants you even more!"

I couldn't stop laughing as Rebekah shot me a glare... Poor   Bekah. "We should teach him a lesson," I suggested.

She scooted closer to me with an evil glint in her eye, "What do you have in mind dear friend?"


Micah POV*

I thought that maybe being with Samia would finally take my mind off of Rebekah, but I was wrong.  Who else could make me forget those big brown eyes, and luscious lips... other than the beautiful princess?

I entered that stupid competition in an effort to move on from my infatuation. I snorted. That royally failed considered I was ousted after our first trial. Goddamn nerves got the best of me...

All these other women I conquer and discard mean nothing to me. Just something to occupy my time, to null the pain. I've been in love with Bekah ever since I laid eyes on her. Why does she continue to resist me so? Am I so repulsive? I've certainly had no complaints before...

Is that her voice I hear? I walked quietly towards the sitting room. I peeked around the corner to see none other than the angel herself speaking in hushed tones with the princess. I strained to listen...

"... Sami. I can't help it. He makes me so warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about him. How can I continue to resist his charms... how could I possibly say no to his oh so big muscles..." She giggled along with the princess.

Could she be speaking about me? I silently prayed she was...

"...Bekah! He feels the same way! I can tell, really, the way he looks at you. Those other girls are just a distraction. He really just wants you..." the princess replied.

Yes! She wants me too! I knew it... the little tease. She really had me thinking I had no chance. We'll see about that... I turned around and headed to my room to figure out how i'm going to make her mine... Once and for all.

Rebekah POV*

"He just walked away... I'm pretty sure he heard everything!" I couldn't breathe from all the laughing Sami and I were doing.

"He is probably going to want to sweep you off your feet now." She giggled.

I grinned, "Now for the good part, we have to find Eros. He will love this just as much as we do... He hates Micah!"

We quickly made our way to the throne room. Hopefully after we do this, Micah will leave me alone. The man was dangerously gorgeous and I don't know how much longer I can continue to resist him. I really didn't want to get hurt, considering his track record, he's bound to do it sooner or later if I ever let my guard down around him.

Eros was my friend and we occasionally flirted. He was beautiful with his dirty blonde wavy hair and amber eyes. His chin had a bit of stubble but it only made him sexier. His build was athletic, much like most fae men were.

Samia went up to him and whispered in his ear. Surely sharing our plan with him. He smirked and followed after her.

We headed out to the side of the castle where Micah's room overlooked. Samia stayed behind as she hid behind a tree with her mouth covered by her hand, surely trying to stifle a laugh.

I could see movement in Micah's window so I knew he was watching. Eros grabbed both of my hands and went down on his knees. He truly looked believable the way he looked endearingly at me.

I smiled. "Rebekah, I am so happy you've returned. I did some thinking while you were away and realized that I can't live without you. I'm falling for you..." He declared... Rather loudly.

I bit back a giggle. "Oh Eros!" He stood up and hugged me to him. He pressed his lips to mine, massaging them with his. He began trailing kisses to my neck... Oh my... Well he was certainly enjoying himself... a little too much actually.

Just as he was about to kiss my lips once again, Eros was pulled off of me roughly. Looking back at me was a very angry, Micah.

"Rebekah I can't. I can't do this anymore!" He shouted.

I was sure my mouth was hanging open in shock. Eros was behind Micah with a permanent frown plastered on his face.

"Do what anymore, Micah?" I asked, clearly dumbfounded by his blatant interruption. I didn't expect him to actually do anything, I just wanted him to watch, take a hint, and leave me the hell alone.

"Rebekah, I love you! Why can't you see that?" Eh..?

He pulled me to his chest and I felt sparks wherever our bodies touched... he whispered... inches from my face... "I've always loved you..."

He kissed me and I melted in his embrace. My mind that was once fogged, became clear... the realization hit me like a splash of cold water.

Micah is my mate...

Author's Note: Pic of Eros--->

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