May the Best Knight Win

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Samia POV*

The five knights were all lined up in the courtyard. I recognized a few but not all. Llyr was among them...

I always thought Llyr was very handsome. He had long indigo hair and grey eyes that held specs of silver in them. He was certainly built like a warrior with his muscles clearly outlined by his black shirt.

He looked my way and sent me a warm smile. I don't know how I feel about having him compete for my love. I never knew he was interested in me in that way until now. He was a dear friend to me, when Keira was busy with Luca and I needed someone to talk to, he was always there to listen. When I attempted to sneak out of the castle, instead of alarming father, he would insist on accompanying me. Initially I thought for my protection, but now... I don't know.

I sent him a small smile as I diverted my attention to the next knight. Sir Micah. His brown wavy hair framed his face nicely, he had matching big brown eyes. He was always a big flirt around me. I've heard of his womanizing schemes and know the rumors of his rather... gifted talents in the bedroom. I had no interest in being another name added to his long list of accomplishments.

He felt my gaze and turned to me. He winked and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I internally grimaced.

The last knight I recognized was Sir Aerys. He was lean and tall with white blonde hair and pale blue eyes. His hair was cropped short on the sides but long on the top and pushed up from his face, kind of like a mohawk...but not. The man was beautiful indeed but his attitude always got under my skin. He always thought himself above the other fae simply because he was a knight. He was always right and thought that women should just sit there and look pretty while the men handled the business.

He was so arrogant sometimes I just wanted to strangle him. But damn, that didn't stop me from checking out his cute butt in those pants he had on. Ugh! How frustrating. He smirked at me, no doubt noticing me drooling over him...

I put my attention towards the other two knights. They must be from the un-seelie court as I have never seen either of them before. I believe uncle said their names were Cain and Sebastian. Where one was sending me a charming grin, the other was outright glaring at me. I had no idea what I had done to the knight to be at the receiving end of that look... maybe he didn't want to be here? Well then, why was he here?


Cain POV*

"You will woo my niece and become king or so help me god I will end the both of you", spoke the dark king.

I can't believe I was being forced to compete for the hand of some spoiled princess. The only reason i'm even considering this is for my sister, Leila.

Leila was once beautiful and full of laughter... until the day she allowed the darkness to embrace her heart. She was strong enough to hold the darkness at bay for years considering our blood was more powerful than most of the other fae. But her husband ruined everything. She found him in bed with another. A young water fairy that enjoyed seducing the men at court.

My poor sister, she couldn't control her anger and cast a death spell. Both her husband and the water fairy died from the flames that suffocated them. My once beautiful sister had became a monster. Her skin turned grey and her eyes blood red. She didn't physically look as horrid as some of the other under fae... but her mind was just as bad. She was evil now and I haven't spoken to her ever since. I believe she traveled to the human realm... to wreck havoc i'm sure.

I sighed, Cairos said that if I become King and lend him the powers I gain from the golden throne, he would reverse everything. That he would return light to court. That my sister will be saved.

I just wish there was another way...

I looked over at Sebastian next to me. He didn't have to be told twice to woo a beautiful princess into making him a King. He was definitely ecstatic to be here. Ever since we got here he couldn't stop smiling.

I have heard of the beauty of this princess but I am certainly not going to fall for it. This is strictly for my sister, maybe once I am king and help her, I will leave...

"Yes your highness, we understand what must be done for our kingdom", said Sebastian.

Cairos turned to me and waited for my response, "I know what I have to do, your Highness".

He nodded and we followed him out to the courtyard where the other knights were gathered. What I didn't expect to see was an angel walk out from the castle. She was absolutely breathtaking.

She was the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Her gaze lingered on the Knight to my right with Indigo hair. She gave him a smile. She had a beautiful smile. Wait... What was I thinking? Didn't I just tell myself a minute ago I would not fall for her? I frowned, this little jezebel was going to make this harder than I thought.

After she stood checking all the other knights out... She finally caught my icy glare.


Samia POV*

"Samia, this is Sir Sebastian." My Uncle introduced me to the charming knight with short auburn hair and olive green eyes. He bowed and took my hand. Looking me straight in the eyes, he laid a small kiss on my knuckles.

How sweet... I felt myself blush.

"And this is Sir Cain". He gestured towards the glaring dark knight. He was definitely intimidating but I was not one to scare easily.

"My lady," he bowed. Never taking his eyes off of me he spoke with a clenched jaw, "A pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance. For once, the rumors are true. Your beauty indeed surpasses all."

Well he certainly knew how to fake politeness no? "The pleasure is all mine Sir Cain..." 

My father cleared his throat and began, "I would like to welcome you all to my home. As you all know, my dear Samia will be 25 years of age in two months. You are all here for a chance to win her hand in marriage. There will be a series of events that will be held to test your strength, intelligence and of course, love for her. As each quest is completed, Samia will eliminate you one by one until she is left with her chosen husband and future king."

I continued, "The first trial will be held tomorrow where your magic will be tested."

My uncle finished, "May the best knight win."

Author's Note: Pic of Micah--->

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