Sexy Dancing

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Samia POV*

After leaving Cain in the terrace last night, I held my chin up high and did what every female does when they've had a taste of heartache... I went straight to the kitchen and pulled out a carton of ice-cream... vanilla with cookie dough. I even threw in some brownies and whipped cream. Don't judge me.

I woke up with a killer stomach ache... and with still no relief.

I so did not want to come face to face with Cain or Sebastian today. So, in an effort to avoid them, I was currently in Mermaid's Cove Beach with my two girls sipping on a margarita.

While Rebekah couldn't stop gushing over Micah and how amazing he was, Keira couldn't stop complaining about how Luka was driving her half mad.

"Sam, are you okay? You've been awfully quiet for a while." Asked Rebekah, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.

"I'm fine it's just..." I went on to tell them all that happened the night before. Everything from going on my date to Earth, to witnessing a horrible murder by none other then my possible future husband's sister, and then I finished everything off with Cain's speech about his initial intentions with me and his surprising proposal.

Rebekah just shook her head in disbelief  while Keira blurted, "And the drama begins people!"

"I knew this whole competition was a bad idea from the moment I came back from my trip and heard all about it." said Rebekah.

"At least now your decision will be much easier now." Keira added.

"My decision?" I asked, confused at what she was implying.

"Well duh Sami! You are going to have to pick Llyr now. He's the only person who hasn't let you down, he's loved you since day one, AND he's got to be the best looking piece of ass that's ever walked this planet!" Keira went into a fit of giggles, I'm sure picturing Llyr in all his glory.

Was Llyr really my obvious choice? She was right, on all accounts now that I think about it. But still, it's not like I could just choose Llyr as my husband. We had to finish the competition. I'm sure by now Sebastian had run off with Leila towards the sunset in each other's arms... gag me. But that still left Cain.

Llyr would have to once and for all, prove his love to me by defeating Cain.

"Samia!" I turned to Keira, she had been trying to get my attention while I had been lost in my own thoughts of Llyr.


"I have the perfect idea!" She stood on her chair and began to sway her hips in an exaggerated circular motion with her arms up in the air. "Let's all go dancing! Bekah can bring Micah, I'll take Luka and you can invite Llyr!"

Rebekah grinned at me and nodded her head enthusiastically. "Yes, yes! That's sounds like a great idea! Let's go to Eden's Crush!"

I looked at both of their excited faces and couldn't help but agree, "Yeah. Let's head back and get ready."

Back at the palace, I left Keira and Rebekah to go to their 'men' to tell them our plans. While I shuffled my feet towards father's study where I was sure Llyr would be. I creaked open the heavy door and spotted him, hunched over father's desk pointing to some type of map. Eros was speaking with father while gesturing to some book.

Llyr looked up and smiled once he realized it was just me.

I waved him over to me. He mentally spoke to me, 'One moment love'

I closed my eyes and shivered slightly. His deep voice echoing in my mind left me breathless with how intimate it felt. I looked up to see a smug smirk planted on his face, he probably did it on purpose just to see my reaction.

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