The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree...

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Samia POV*

"Mate?" I repeated disbelievingly. What was he going on about mate. The man was mental! He is a werewolf. It's not even possible for me, a fairy to have a wolf as a mate. Is it?

I attempted to escape his hold but he kept me firmly in his grasp. Llyr noticed my silent struggle and stood to my defense, "Let her go." He said threateningly, looking ready to pounce on him if he didn't comply.

Stephan looked at him then, his jaw clenched. "She's my mate." He pulled me impossibly closer, flush against his side.

"Stephan? You must be mistaken, I can't possibly be your mate. I'm fae." I told him calmly. I needed to diffuse the situation before it escalated.


Suddenly almost every male in the bar stood and flanked Stephan. Ready to back up their alpha if needed. Llyr was fuming, his fists clenched at his side and his biceps flexing as he attempted to control himself.

"Get your hands off of the princess or so help me God-"

Stephan interrupted with a smirk, "Don't threaten me fairy. Your magic doesn't work on me. I'm an Alpha, i'm immune. Simara is coming with me and there's nothing you can do about it."

Llyr lunged at Stephan but was held back by two werewolves. He teleported himself behind me, grabbed ahold of my shoulder and before I knew it we were back at the palace.

He held me, as I caught my breath again. I was shaking as tears escaped my eyes. "Llyr... I'm so scared."

"Shh... Love. I'm here. He won't take you away. I promise."

Did I want him to take me away? I wasn't too sure... I mean I did feel the electricity that ignited when he touched me but... He was a werewolf. Just because I have an unexplained attraction to him, doesn't mean he's my soul mate.

Llyr was here with me... Llyr was real. He murmured sweet words in my ear to shush and calm me. His hands combing through my hair and stroking my back softly. He's so sweet to me. I've never seen this side to him before.

How could I have been so blind before. He was in front of me all this time and I never bothered to take a closer look. I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him. His face was sculpted so beautifully. His silver grey eyes bore into mine. I lifted my hands to his hair.

I slowly leaned into him further, our lips barely brushing...


I stumbled back from Llyr when I heard Keira's shout in my head.

'Keira i'm home! Do not go with Bekah to Night Embrace! Come back now, i'll explain when you get back.'

'Too late! Jake told us everything. Stephan's not here. He left the minute you 'disappeared' apparently on a man hunt to find you!'

"Llyr! Keira and Bekah are at the bar. They said Stephan is searching for me!"

He cupped my face with both hands, "He wont find you love. And if he does, i'll be here..." He gritted his teeth and added, "and so will all of your other knights... We will all protect you."

Somehow I knew... he would.


Stephan POV*

I knew it! Samia is my mate.

'Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate'

'I heard you wolf! I will find her. She will be ours soon enough'

'Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate'

I roared loudly in frustration. I grabbed my table lamp and smashed it against the book shelf. I've all but pulled out all my hair, my wolf was driving me insane! I need my mate. I don't care if she is a fairy.

She is the rightful Luna of this pack and by the moon goddess she will be by my side.

I couldn't get her scent out of my head. Her face appeared every time I closed my eyes. How hard it was to not mark her right then and there in front of every one. If it weren't for that stupid fairy, Llyr, she would be here with me now.

Think. Think. Think. How can I find her again?

Princess. She's a princess. She must live at court then! I know where she is!

But... I don't know where their castle is!

Ugh! I grabbed a figurine from my desk and threw it at a picture frame hanging in the opposite wall, smashing it to pieces on the floor.

I will find this castle and take my little mate... even if it's the last thing I do.


Vampyre Laurent POV*

Blood was gushing into my mouth. The sweet liquid pouring down my throat... I could feel my member throbbing from the pure ecstasy of the feeding.

I pulled away and dropped the woman onto the floor. Wiping my mouth, I stalk away from the darkened corner of the alley and began walking towards my home.

I had come to meet this woman to compel some information about Samia out of her. Once she fulfilled her purpose, I disposed of her, drained her. The only use she was to me then.

I was trying to locate Samia. Her mother, Ximara, wants her back. The woman was incredibly powerful. She wants me to change Samia into a full blown vampyre like her. She said she has vamp blood dormant in her now... I just needed to activate it.

I made it back to my villa and opened the front door. Only to find none other then Ximara laid out on my sofa awaiting my arrival.

She was breath taking really... She was tall and had ebony black hair that framed her lovely face. Purple-blue eyes that seared your soul, leaving you victim in their capture. Her waist was tiny and her chest was more than a handful, her bottom round and firm.

She was examining her nails while she puffed out, "Well? What did you find out?" She impatiently asked.

"Apparently the reason why we have been unable to locate the castle is because the King has cast a spell cloaking it from the outside. Only those personally invited by the King himself are able to see it and actually pass through", I replied. I didn't like answering to someone in lower rank to me, but I was promised the princess if I helped reunite them.

I am Master Vampyre of Avalon and therefore always have others challenging me for my position. If I had the Princess's power combined with mine, I would be invincible. Not to mention if she looks anything like her mommy dearest, i'm sure we'll be very happy together.

"I knew it! The fool thinks to trick me! All these years... Kept from my daughter. I will be with her again. I just have to find another fairy who can help me with this stupid cloaking spell." She began murmuring to herself. She looked lost in thought as she opened the window and flew away.

Samia... If you only knew how powerful you really were...

Author's Note: Pic of Laurent--->

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