Be my Wife

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Samia POV*

"Leila?" Gasped Cain in disbelief.

The woman whom I now knew was named Leila, walked slowly towards Cain. Her eyes wide as she approached him hesitantly... He began to shuffle his feet towards her as well. She was very beautiful and I couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy at how Cain had forgotten me altogether the minute he saw her.

Was she his soul-mate? But he recognized her, he knows her. Why would he enter the knight competition for my hand if he knew of his mate? That doesn't make any sense.

They reached each other at last. Cain raised his hand to cup her face as she reached up with both of hers to hold him.

"Brother..." She whispered.

Oh. Well then. They're siblings. I like this outcome MUCH better.

"How..? ...but, I don't understand..?" Cain attempted to comprehend something, but couldn't quite grasp it.

Now that I stopped with the whole silly, jealousy thing, I began to focus on what just happened. When I first saw her she was a monster, a completely different... thing... then what she was now. How did she...?

"Cain!" I shouted. He snapped his head to look at me as Leila grazed her fingertips on the side of his face. "I heard a voice. A man.. he was asking for help.. so I ah.. found.. Her!" I frantically yelled as I pointed at Leila who finally dropped her probing hands off my man to give me a second glance.

"She was eating him! It was horrible... The poor man. Look at him!" I jabbed my finger at the decayed corpse crumbled at their feet. I must have sounded like a crazed baboon the way I was jumping up and down and accusing the rather 'innocent' looking petite blonde of such a horrific murder.

Cain looked confused at first, but realization of what his little sister did wiped all emotion from his face and left him blank.

"Leila. What have you done." He hadn't really asked her, when he already knew.

"Brother. Ever since the darkness touched me, I have been feeding on mortals to sate my thirst." Cain stepped back from her and looked away. As if the sight of her face while she was telling him this, disgusted him.

She continued slowly, "It's all I've ever known for centuries now. It's how I have survived all these years. At first I tried to fight it, to starve myself, but then I began to feel myself decompose, I began to whither away. So I had to force myself to feed off of souls."

"That is vile, Leila. Even for a dark fae. Not even vampires touch the souls of their victims." He said lowly.

She reached up to grab the lapels of his jacket and shook him hard enough so that he looked back down to her. "Cain? Look at me! I am well again. What's happened in the past we can put behind us! She saved me! I am free of the darkness because of her," she pleaded desperately.

They both turned to stare at me, Cain's head tilted to the side, examining me.

"I...ah ..I didn't do least I don't... think I did?" I spoke unsurely.

Leila dropped her grip from Cain and came up to me. "You did, when you blasted me with your power. The light in your touch, it chased the darkness away. It cleansed me somehow. I feel at peace now. The darkness was always hovering over me, wrapped all around me... constantly suffocating me with it's evil. Now... now I feel like myself again!"

O-kay... She's officially high on something. Maybe feeding off of that human gave her some type of rush that went straight to her brain and somehow sucked all the common sense juices out and now she thinks I zapped her with good mojo.

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