Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV:
So today I decided to call that number the lady across the street gave me. I'm kinda nervous actually. I mean what if she's a complete bitch. So many things could happen. Well I guess it's time to find out.

After about three rings she picked up.


"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but your mom gave me your number. I just moved in across the street and wanted to make friends. " I said nervously into the phone.

"Oh right. Well my name is Lilly and your name is?" Lilly said.

"Oh sorry my name is Sarah."

"Well I'm actually just in my backyard if you wanted to come over. We could get to know each other. Bring your bathing suit though because I have a pool." She said.

"Okay. I'll be over in ten." I said.

"Great. See you then. Bye" she said before hanging up.

Well that was interesting. I gathered everything I'd need for a pool day before walking out the door and across the street. I went through the gate and met her back there.

Lilly. She had bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. She was fit. Very skinny, and her hair was in a braid going down her back. I'll admit she was very pretty.

"Hi!" She said rather excited.

"Hi. "

"I'm sorry I'm just really happy because I was the only girl in the neighborhood but now your here. " she said giving me a hug.

"It's fine. Have you met the boys across the street?" I asked.

"Yeah. Calum's my boyfriend. And Michael is my best friend. But Luke and Ashton are also my friends just not as close as Cal and Mikey. You?" Lilly said.

"Yeah actually they were the first friends I made here." I said sitting down with her on a chair.

"So it's obvious your from America. Guys are gonna be all over you, do you like anyone here?" Well she may as well be the first person I tell about me liking Luke.

"Actually yes," I said as she nodded for me to continue.

"Luke. I don't really know what we are. I mean I know he likes me and I like him and he's helped me and he's kissed my forehead and called me gorgeous. He's just so sweet." I said spilling my guts.

"So you've only been here for four days and you've already almost gotten a boyfriend?" She asked.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that. "

"Wow. Well let's go swimming!" She exclaimed standing up.
It's now sunset and me and Lilly have spent the day together. She's turned into like my best friend. We have so much in common and tomorrow we're going out to the mall I think.

"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow!" She said excitedly as I left.

"Bye!" I said waving. Instead of going to my house I decided to go to Luke's.

I rang the doorbell and Liz answered.

"Hi mrs. Hemmings is Luke home?" I asked.

"Yeah he's upstairs." She said as she let me in. I started climbing the stairs but she spoke again.

"And Sarah?"


"It's just Liz remember? God, Mrs. Hemmings? You make me sound old. " she said.

"Sure thing. " I said laughing as I climbed the rest of the stairs.
I reached the door and knocked slightly before he opened it for me.

"Hi. "

"Hey. " he said our eyes locking.

"Wait. I'm confused. Is it hi or hey?" Calum asked from the corner. I looked away from Luke and smiled at Calum.

"Your so stupid. " I said. And he just laughed.

"You never told me you had a girlfriend!" I exclaimed playfully elbowing him in the ribs.

"You never asked. " he said smiling.

"Why? What did she tell you?" He said kinda nervously.

"Nothing. But seriously I'm best friends with your girlfriend. "

"Yeah. Lilly is pretty.. Interesting. " Calum said.

"That she is. " I said nodding as our conversation died down.

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" Luke asked.

"I'm going to the mall with Lilly. I think we're gonna get our hair dyed. I don't really know but I'm just looking forward to hot topic. They have this really nice black sweatshirt with red poppies in the shape of a heart and it says nirvana on it. I feel like I just need it. " I said kinda day dreaming. I could tell the guys didn't care and zoned out so I said something that would grab there attention for sure.
"And at hollister they have this shirt that I just need. It says 'Dibs on the drummer'" I said gesturing my hands in the air.

"What?!" Luke screamed.

"Just joking. I prefer the lead singer. " I said winking at him.

"What even are you guys?" Calum asked gesturing toward us.

"I don't know Luke. What are we?" I asked looking at him.

"To be honest, I don't even know. I mean I think we're turning into close friends but close friends aren't quite as flirty. " he said looking down.

"Well I'm gonna give you two some privacy. " Calum said getting up and leaving. After he left I turned to Luke.

"Why is this so complicated?" I asked as I fell back on his bed.

"I don't know. " he said laying back with me.

"But seriously what are we? Because I don't wanna just be a friend with benefits. " I said.

"Then what do you wanna be?" He asked looking at me.

"I don't know." I said sounding childish.

"How about this. Sarah, will you be my lovely girlfriend?"

"Yes. "

"Okay. That was enough time for privacy." Calum said.

"Well its getting late I should probably go. " I said standing up. I took Luke's hand and dragged him up with me.

"Bye boyfriend!" I exclaimed before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and leaving. But as I left I could here Calum in the background.

"Oh my god! How did that even happen?! Your telling me everything!" He said like a girl. I smiled briefly at myself before walking back to my house. I walked in and my mom was at the kitchen table.

"Hi mom. " I said still smiling as I got water.

"Why are you so happy?" She asked.

"Because I am. " I said.

"Spill. " she said as I sat next to her.

I told her everything that went down today.

"Wow. Someone's popular. " she said rolling her eyes at me.

"Your just jealous 'cause you haven't made any friends yet!" I said.

"Okay that's not true! I've made lots of friends at work. "

"Sure you have. Anyway I'm gonna go to bed. " I said as I walked away. When I entered my room I got changed and sat on my bed. I turned the tv on and took my phone out so I could tell Lilly the news. After that I went on YouTube and started watching the guys' videos. From there I discovered keek... Let's just say those are the best thirty second videos I've ever seen.

Finally at 1am I called it a night and fell asleep.

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