Chapter 30

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Sarah's POV:
After seeing him suck face with another girl, I was about to leave then their name was called to perform. I faced the stage and took off my sunglasses and beanie, Luke saw me as he walked up the stairs to the stage. He reached the stage and grabbed his guitar, still looking at me. I mouthed F U and right as I turned to leave I flicked him off. I reached my car and broke down. Why would he do this to me? I mean we weren't officially broken up. Maybe we were, I don't know. But it hurts, my heart physically hurts.

I drove off and reached my house. I got out and went straight to my room. I just wanted to be alone. I slid under my covers and pulled my pillows over my head. I hate feeling this way, so I pulled out my phone and started watching YouTube videos. I started out watching music videos but then I began watching Tyler Oakley. Man he really puts a smile on my face when I'm feeling down. In this video he was doing the whisper challenge with Miranda Sings. I couldn't help but laugh.
"You are my queen, slay me. " Miranda said. Meanwhile Tyler had headphones in and misheard everything. "You are greasy, so stop it!" He said. I couldn't help but laugh.

After about ten more Tyler Oakley videos I moved on to Shane Dawson. His pop n cookin videos had me weak. I watched an hour of his videos before I decided to take a shower.

I got out of the shower and sat on my bed, just thinking of everything that happened today. I opened my phone to 23 messages and 13 calls from Luke. I texted him to meet me at the park, on the bench.

I stood up and slid on an over sized sweater, jeans, a beanie, sunglasses, and my black vans.

Today was quite cold out surprisingly. I started walking in the cloudy weather we were having. With each step my chest hurt even more. Knowing that I'll have to face him is making me nervous. We all know someone's gonna leave crying, and although it'll be me, I'm not gonna cry.

I reached the park and saw Luke sitting on the bench, his leg bouncing up and down, obviously he's as nervous as me. I sat next to him and just looked ahead of me, listening to the beginning sounds of thunder.

"Luke," I started. "It's obvious we don't feel the same about each other anymore. I mean I turn my back for one second and I catch you fooling around with some girl." I start still not looking at him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I didn't know that was gonna happen. That kiss was the biggest mistake of my life. I swear if I could take back what happened I would. " he said. I could feel him looking at me.

"Luke, when I said we were on break, what I was really saying was you're being tested. I was seeing what would happen if I wasn't really in the picture. And you know what? Your not sorry. And right now the biggest mistake in my life was meeting you. I'm sorry but I can't handle this, and I most definitely can't handle you and your careless actions. Bye. " I said standing up and walking off.

"I love you!" He shouted. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to look at him. "I love you. " he said a single tear streaming down his face.

"I loved you. But I don't think I can forgive you. I'm willing to be your friend but I know you'll always want something more. And I can't give that something to you. Not after this." I said turning away and jogging off. I was ten minutes away from my house when it started to pour with rain. I started crying and I couldn't take it. I deserve this. I lied down on the sidewalk and let myself get soaked with rain. It felt good, until he did the same.

"Luke, what do you not understand?" I said agitated.

"I'm never gonna give up on us. You should of really heard my side of the story. " he said sitting up on the sidewalk as I did the same.

"Well?" I said waiting impatiently.

"So, Michael met this girl on tour, right. Her name was Stephanie. They became a thing halfway through the tour. But there was always something off about her. So at the mall I pulled her to the side because I saw her giving random guys her number. She turned around and saw you coming so she got all handsy on me and starts kissing me. I finally get her off of me in time to walk on stage and see you flick me off and say F U. And here we are. In the dark, pouring rain. " Luke said crossing his arms around his legs.

"Well I.... I have no words. Does Michael know?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. He broke up with her after we performed. I told him everything. " he said as I finally looked at him.

"Please, give me a second chance." Luke said looking right in my eyes.

"Okay. But I wanna start slow. " I said standing up. He stood up as well, and took my hand.

"Works for me. " he said smirking before he kissed me, immediately I kissed him back. Everything felt right, like everything finally fell into place.

I wrapped my hands around his neck as he wrapped his around my waste.

"Let's do this somewhere else. " he said, I nodded and we began walking to his house. Nobody was home, we walked up to his room. The minute I entered he pushed me against the door and connected his lips to mine. I did the same and we went right back to where we were in the rain. He slowly backed up taking me with him, and we fell back on his bed. None of us disconnecting our lips. Things escalated pretty quickly. Before I knew it he was on top of me shirtless, and I was under him shirtless.

"Is this really happening?" I asked him.

"Only if you want it to. " he said.

"I do. " I said before he kissed me again.

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