Chapter 9

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Sarah's POV:
Today is Wednesday. I flew to America on Saturday and my fathers service was on Monday. Right now I'm hanging out with Olivia.

"So you and Luke, huh?" She said elbowing me playfully.

"Yeah. I guess. " I said smiling shyly.

"I think you guys will be cute. Hold up the fangirl in me is taking over. Let's see here... Your ship name will be.... SUKE! SUKE FOREVER!" Olivia screamed.

"Oh my god I'm scared!" I exclaimed scooting away from her.

"What? Why?!" She said looking around confused.

"Ashton said almost those exact words." I replied wide eyed.


"Yeah. " I nodded.

"Aw we'd be so cute. " Olivia said kind of daydreamish.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I got you a present!" I said going into my bag to get a card.

"Really?! What is it?!" Olivia asked excitedly.

"Open it!" I said giving her the envelope. She tore it open and began reading the card. As she opened it her eyes grew wide.

"You. Did. Not. " she said slowly looking up at me.

"Oh but didn't I?" I said smiling. She immediately screamed as loud as she could and engulfed me in a hug.

"I can't believe I'm flying back with you to Australia!" She said jumping up and down in our hug.

"Well, I decided you needed a boyfriend. And Ashton is always at Luke's house sooo.. I put two and two together!" I yelled happily.

"You're the best!" She said sitting back down.
I'm officially home. I flew back here yesterday and Olivia is staying in the guest room. Olivia is pretty jet lagged but I'm used to it so I texted Luke.

S: hey I'm back home now, we flew in late last night. Wanna get some coffee at the cafe down the street?

L: sure thing. I'll be over in 10.

After that text message I quickly got dressed and through on my green day shirt I had gotten from hot topic. I put on some black Nikes, jeans, and a little bit of eyeliner and mascara before quickly running downstairs.

Luke knocked on the door knowing that if he rang the doorbell everyone would wake up. I quickly opened it to reveal Luke in almost the exact same outfit.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked sarcastically.

"See this is why I know we're meant to be. I mean we're wearing the exact same outfit. " Luke said laughing slightly. I walked outside and grabbed my skateboard before going down the street. I didn't get very far though because I got tired. Luke was just walking so I caught up to him.

"Pull me?" I asked smiling.

"Sure. " he said extending his hand out, I grabbed it and we were off.

Once we reached the cafe I ordered my drink and Luke ordered his. I, a mocha frap, and him, a simple coffee frap.

They called our names and we grabbed our drinks. We sat in one of the booths in the corner by the window and just talked.

"So how was the U.S.?" Luke asked me.

"Fine. Nothing's changed. It's sad though because I don't miss it as much as I thought I would. I think one day when your band has a U.S. tour you'll have to tell me how it is." I said before taking a sip of my drink.

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