Chapter 14

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Sarah's POV:
It's officially the next day and me and Lilly agreed to hang out so I could tell her what had happened yesterday. It's currently 12 pm and she will be here any minute now. I slid down the stair banister and was greeted by a knock on the door. I opened the door to reveal Lilly.

"Hey!" I said as I let her in.

"Dude you don't even know. I've been waiting all day for you to tell me what happened. " Lilly said as she skipped over to my couch. We sat down and I turned to face her.

"Well what do you think happened?" I asked her

"Um how do I put this. You are a virgin, right?" She said. I started laughing.

"Yeah, of course. You were obviously lost. Anyway I'll explain. Okay so after I left the coffee shop I was walking home but I got a text from Luke and I immediately just ran to the beach. I sat on the sands and started to cry because I didn't know what to do. When I looked up Luke was sitting there. Anyway I got up but he chased after me some things were said then I just blurted out I Love You. He then gave the best speech in the world about how he love me as well. Then we went back to his place. We walked right into his backyard and he had decorated the fence and everything with fairy lights. Then sitting by his pool he had made a candle lit dinner. Anyway we ate and then just talked forever. Finally we went inside to his room and talked some more. Then out of no where he kisses me. Then I kiss back and we end up making out. Last we ended up here." I said breathless.

"Wow. Okay so me and Cal were so off. We all thought something else. Wink wink. Anyway it sounds like you and Luke are perfect for each other. " Lilly said smiling.

"Yeah I never thought I'd be falling this hard for a guy. " I gushed.
"Awe your blushing. " Lilly said.
"Shut up. " I said smiling.
Today's the day. Today is Lilly's 17th birthday. We're all going over to her house to celebrate with a pool party. I grabbed a bikini and threw on a band shirt and some shorts. I grabbed my bag and Lilly's gift before walking across the street to meet her. I walked straight to the backyard and just saw her and Calum there making out on a bench.

"Happy birthday!" I said.
"Sarah!" She said breaking the kiss to come greet me.

"Hey! You had to walk in at that exact moment. " Calum said.

"Sorry Cal. There's plenty of time for that tonight. " I said winking at him.

"Sarah! Don't give him any ideas. " she said laughing at me. I handed her, her gift and sat down at one of the chairs.

"So, your officially caught up to Calum's age. " I said.

"Yeah. " she said smiling at him.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm older than Luke. My birthday is in February and his is in July. " I said to the two of them.

"Wait. Seriously?" Calum said.

"Yeah. " I responded. After about thirty minutes of us talking, Luke, Michael, Ashton, Olivia, and these two girls everybody but me and Olivia have met we here. Their names were Victoria and Jessica. But I could sense some anger between me and Jessica. I wonder what that's about. Anyway Victoria is perfect for Michael. And her and him are kinda off doing their own thing in the pool. But Jessica wouldn't stop giving me death glares. Finally I had enough and grabbed Luke's hand dragging him in the house.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"Was there anything I should know about Jessica?"I asked.

"Oh. That. Um they used to live in your house. And Jessica always liked me but I never liked her because she can get some attachment issues. " Luke said.

"Great. " I said leaving to go back outside.

"Hi Jessica. I'm Sarah. " I said.
"Hi. "She said quietly.

"Look I'm sorry for being Luke's girlfriend. But I am and I can't change that. " I said.

"But you can break up with him, right?" She said.

"I could but I won't. I love him and he loves me." I said.

"Wait. Love? Seriously? Wow I guess he falls for any slut that moves in. " she scoffed.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Yeah Luke loved me to. Or maybe he just pretended. Watch this he blushes anytime I do this. " she said as she waved at Luke. Luke just rolled his eyes and jumped in the pool.

"That doesn't look like a blush to me. " I said.

"Shut up. Did I ask you? No. Nobody wants you here so why don't you just leave?" She said to me.

"I want her here. " Lilly said from behind her.

"And if you don't like that than you can just leave. " she added.

"I will. " Jessica said as she stood up and left.

"Sorry about her. She's the one that loved Luke. He didn't like her the slightest. " Lilly said before Calum came up behind her and pulled her into the pool.
After the party Luke and I came back to my place and just sat in my room.

"Did she ever do anything to you?" I asked him.

"Who?" He said.

"Jessica. " I responded.

"No. And I only have eyes for you. I'm not going anywhere so don't get any ideas. " he said looking down at me.

"Good because I just got you. I can't loose you that fast." I said smiling up at him.

"I love you so much. " he said.

"I love you to. " I said just before I kissed him.
Michaels POV:
After Lilly's party me and Victoria went to my house just to catch up. It was a lot of fun. Until she had to go. Luckily I got her number and we're going out on a date next week. I like her, a lot. She's basically just the girl version of me. I mean we play the same video games, love the same food, and enjoy having colored hair. If there's a better match for me I haven't seen her.
Lilly's POV:
Right now it's just me and Calum. Everybody left after about four hours of swimming. Honestly this party couldn't have been any better.

"Oh I forgot. I have something for you." Calum said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. He opened it to reveal an infinity necklace that says Forever and Always.

"Calum this is beautiful. Can you put it on me?" I asked as I moved my hair out of the way.

"Yeah. " he said just before he clasped it on.

"Thank you. You are the best boyfriend ever! I love you so much." I said.

"So the best boyfriend ever doesn't even get a kiss. " he said.

"Nope. " I said laughing.

"Ugh your such a tease. " he said crossing his arms. I leant over to him and kissed him but as I pulled back he kept old of me. Pulling me back in. I moved so I was straddling him and the kiss got way more intense then I would've thought.

"Your so beautiful. " Cal whispered in my ear. I tangled my hands in his hair and he put his on my hips.

"Calum, I don't know about this. " I said.

"About what?" He said.

"What this's leading to." I said.

"It's okay. If your not ready then it's okay. " he said before kissing me again shortly then going to sleep. "Night gorgeous. " he said before he drifted off to sleep. I'm glad he was so understanding about the whole sex thing. At this point I don't know if I'm ready or not. But I guess if I was I'd know.
Ashton's POV:
For the first time me and Olivia are sleeping together. I mean this is one of the first steps in a serious relationship and to be honest I'm glad. I really like her. We've been on a couple dates and had a lot of kisses. She's honestly perfect in every way. I mean is it bad that i wrote her a song? The song is on our new EP. The EP is called Somewhere New and the song is called...

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