How he kisses you ((5sos))

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Luke: He will always place his hands tightly on your waist, and rest his forehead against yours whilst looking deeply into your eyes before kissing you. Luke's kisses are always slow and loving.

Michael: He always likes to use his tongue when kissing you because he believes that this is the most passionate way. Michael will kiss you anywhere and isn't afraid of pda.

Calum: He always tangles his hands in your hair when kissing you, because this way he can get you closer and bring you deeper into the kiss. Calum will give you short but sweet kisses in public, but when you're alone you'll end up in a steamy make out session.

Ashton: He will firmly hold your bum whilst kissing, because that's his favorite feature of yours. Many pictures taken by paparazzi can be seen of Ashton doing this gesture, but he doesn't mind. Ashton's kisses are mixed, sometimes they will be hungry and heated, yet other times they will be meaningful and soft.

i've been updating more yay
can we just appreciate james mcvey's picture from ages ago of an orange that looks like women's genitals wtff

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