A Brad Imagine

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This imagine is for @Meganfl 😋

You and Brad had been living together in your own house for a while now. You felt like there was someone missing. You were too young for children, so you wanted a dog. Because Brad was so busy, you didn't know whether it would be a good idea. One day you decided to ask Brad. He wasn't on tour so it was okay. "Braaad" you said. "What Megaaan" he replied. "I was thinking, since we both love dogs I was wondering if you'd maybe like to get one..." Brad looked at you and raised his eyebrows. "I guess I'd like one too" he said smiling. You were so happy that he'd said that. "I'll look for puppies now!" You said getting a bit too excited. "Woah, not just yet. Maybe wait a few more months eh?" Brad said looking shocked. You simply replied with an "oh" and walked away. 'Maybe I was rushing' you thought. It was night time anyway, so you went to bed. Brad shortly got in after you. When it was morning, you woke up still disappointed. 'Yes, it's just a dog. But I'd seriously love one' you thought. Brad hugged you from behind and gave you a peck on the cheek. "I've got a surprise for you." Brad smirked. "Ok..." You mumbled back. Once you were both dressed and ready, Brad took you out in his car. "Where are we going?" You ask. Brad replies back with a wink and says "You'll have to wait and see." As you arrive Brad tells you to close your eyes. "What are you doing to me?!" You giggle. "You'll love it, now shush." Brad laughs back. "Bradley Will Simpson tell me now!" You demand. He just takes you by the hand and pulls you along. You enter the place wondering what it could be with your eyes still closed. Suddenly, you hear barking. "Oh my gosh, no way?!" You gasp with excitement. Brad uncovers your eyes smiling at your reaction. "Are we getting a dog?" "Yeah, I wanted to surprise you knowing how much you love them." Brad said giving you a hug. "Well, let's go and look!" He exclaimed. You took his hand and looked around the dog adoption center. You spotted three little puppies in one kennel. They looked to all be from the same litter. "You like these I see?" You heard an unfamiliar voice ask. "I love them!" You say as you turn around. It was a lady who worked there. Can I get a closer look you asked. "Of course, I'll open it for you." She said with a warm smile. "Brad!" You shouted causing him to run over. "Yaaa" he replied making you laugh. As he approached the kennel he saw you sat on the floor with three adorable puppies climbing all over you. "What breed are these?" Brad asked. "They are cross breeds. Golden retriever cross standard poodle's. You can call them Goldendoodle's." The lady said back. (Btw, I have a Goldendoodle 😏) "Wow, I like 'em!" Brad sad happily. "I want this one!" You said with a massive grin. It was the only girl, she looked a bit like Jesse actually. "Please can we get her, pleeease? I wanna call her Willow." "Hmm, go on then." Brad said smirking. You were so happy. Once you'd bought the puppy stuff, you collected your puppy and placed her onto your lap ready to drive home. "Thank you, I love you so much Brad." "It's nothing, I know that you love um. And I love you too Megan." You gave the sleeping puppy a kiss on her head. "What about me?" Brad said giving you puppy dog eyes. You laughed and gave him a kiss. "Now drive." "Alright, alright." Brad giggled.

There ya go, I hope you like it! 🙊

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