Brad Imagine

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This one is for @FiveSecondsofOlympus 😙

The Vamps were becoming more and more famous. This meant that Brad and the boys were often away and going on tour. Every time you got to speak to Brad it wasn't for long. You felt like you were drifting away from each other having a long distance relationship. When you FaceTimed each other Brad always seemed to have to go within five minutes of talking. You felt like he didn't love you anymore. Sitting around with not much to do everyday wasn't fun. With Brad not being at your shared apartment you felt lonely. One day you decided to have a serious talk with him as you did not want to keep waiting and wasting your life on him. As you picked up your mobile, you found 'Brad 💏' in your contacts and nervously rang the number. "Hello!" Brads Birmingham accent cheerfully answered. "Hi, it's me..." You mumbled. "Hey Christina, what's up?" He replied. "Well, I need to ask you something serious." "Anything!" Brad giggled. "Do you love me?" You asked feeling teary. "Of course I do silly, why d'ya ask that love?" "You seem to be going off me. It's like I don't exist anymore and I don't matter to you. I really want to know if you truly love me. If you did you would make time to see me. I know you're on tour and stuff but you give me the impression that I'm not important. If you don't want to be with me just say!" You stated almost on the verge of crying. "Christina, I... I don't understand why your being like this. I love you with all of my heart and you should have told me earlier how you feel. I'm so sorry." You could hear Brads sobs through the phone. "Sorry, I'm gonna have to go..." You ended the call before you burst into tears. Wishing you'd never said anything, you bellyflopped onto your bed and fell asleep. You were awoken by the doorbell. "Ugggh!" You screamed. It was 6:00 pm and you'd been asleep since lunch time. You seriously didn't care, feeling depressed made just made you want to stay in bed. It continued to ring. "Would you please give it a rest, I'm not in, go away!" "Are you sure 'cause I can hear youuuuu?" You heard a familiar voice say. It sounded like Brad but you thought he was away. The ringing carried on once more until you couldn't bear it. Running down the stairs and taking a deep breath you opened the door. Stood there was a curly haired boy with beautiful chocolate eyes gazing into yours. He was holding his guitar with some song lyrics. He handed you a bunch of pink roses with a teddy bear saying 'I ❤️ U'. "Can I come in? Please..." Brad pleaded. "Yeah, I guess." You said. You both sat on the couch in the main room and he started to play Little Things by One Direction. Your heart sank and you realised how much you loved him. "I'm so sorry..." He cried. Feeling bad, you hugged him tight as his head full of curls rested in the crook of your neck. "Please take me back, I wuv you." Brad said giving you a hopeful smile. "How can I not after that huh?!" You said lifting his chin up and kissing him on the forehead.

Sorry if you don't like it, but I hope you do! Lol 😚 Mia xxx

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