You're Pregnant

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Luke: You and Luke were both only young, being 18. Because it had been Ashton's birthday party, you two kinda got a little bit too drunk which led to frickle frackling. It was a month and a half after the party and you started to experience constant stomach pains and occasional barfing. Knowing something was wrong, you went to the doctors to find out if you had problem. The doctor assessed you and said there's nothing to worry about, however she suggested taking a pregnancy test. No, you thought. What would your parents think, what the hell would Luke say?! Will he leave me? You stressed. You obliged the doctors orders and bought a pregnancy test from the pharmacy. Nervously, you walked back to your house and went to the toilet to use the pregnancy test. Frightened and shaken you waited for the results. 'Positive' read the test. Feeling like a disappointment you burst into tears and landed on the floor bawling. You heard a knock at the door, you were meant to be going to the movies with Luke. Standing up wiping your tear stained face you took a deep breath and answered the door. "Hey Y/N! Are you re-," Luke stopped and paused with concern and worry in his eyes. "Y/N, have you been crying? Oh my god are you okay babe?!" He exclaimed pulling you into a tight hug. "I... I'm pregnant." You stumbled bursting into tears once again against his chest. "You're, you're pregnant? Oh god, um. I- I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry, I... Are you going to keep our baby? I mean um, well if it's mine..." Luke stuttered with tears in his eyes. "Yes, I am pregnant. I feel so disgusting. And of course it's yours, please help me, I don't know what to do." You whimpered. "We will do this together, I'll be with you every step of the way, yes we are only young, but it's our baby in there." He said caressing your tummy. You smiled up at him and he gently kissed your lips. "Please, I know it's your decision and we're only 18 but that's my little guy in there, you can't get rid of him." He pleaded now his face full of tears.

Ashton: You and Ash had been together for 2 years now, you lived together in an apartment and everything was going great. You two had just taken you relationship a step further by having sex. (OMG THAT WORD MAKES ME CRINGE OK bYE) You knew Ash didn't use protection, I guess you both were too excited to get going to take the time to put a condom on. Noticing your tummy was growing more each week, you decided to go to the local store to get a pregnancy test. You felt a little embarrassed buying it, but I mean, who wouldn't? Rushing home you went into your ensuite and did the test. You waited to see the results which came back as positive. Thrilled with the results you popped the used test into the bin, you didn't want to tell Ashton just yet. You were in such a good mood, running downstairs you plopped onto the couch and waited for your boyfriend to come home from the recording studio. As soon as you heard the door open you ran into the porch to greet Ashton with a neck kiss and a hug. "Wow, hey baby. Someone's excited to see me." Ash giggled planting a kiss on your forehead. "I'm just kinda in a good mood today." You said smirking. You sat back on the couch with Ashton and talked for a little while. "I'm just gonna get changed into something comfier babe, I'll be down in a few minutes then we can watch a film!" He stated happily. You smiled and waited for him to come down. It had now been 15 minutes and you were bored, so you leapt upstairs to find Ash. "Ashton, come on h-," You stopped midway through your sentence to see Ashton sat on the bed staring blankly at your pregnancy test in his hand. "Shit. I left it right at the top of the bin, I was meant to hide it..." You mumbled nervously. "I'm gonna be a Dad?" Ashton whispered. "I'm sorry, I thought you'd be happy! I'll have an abortion, I'm so sorry." You said anxiously biting your bottom lip. "No, no. I AM GOING TO BE A FUCKING DAD!" Ashton cried with happiness.

Mikey: You were 2 months pregnant and you were trying to hide it from Michael because you were worried what he would say. He had been away touring with One Direction and you were so proud of him. 'What an inspirational Daddy he will be' you thought to yourself. You received a text from him.

Mikey 💘

Hey princess, I'm on my way back from the airport. I'm so excited to see you, I can't wait for tonight. 😏 I love you xxx

You read the text and felt worried. You didn't want to have pregnant sex, but you were scared to tell him. The rest of the day flew by and you anxiously yet excitedly waited for your boyfriend Michael to arrive. You hadn't seen him for quite a few weeks so you couldn't wait to see his handsome face. "Y/N!" You heard a familiar Aussie voice yell. "Coming babe!" You chirped back full of joy. Running as fast as you could you landed in Mikey's arms embracing each other in a warm cuddle. "I love you so much." You cooed against his toned chest. "I love you more." He giggled grasping your hand leading you up to the bedroom. You felt a lump in your throat form, it's not that you didn't want sex with him, you just didn't want to do it considering you were carrying a baby he did not know about. He laid on the bed you shared and you laid beside him. He gently rolled on top of you which made you groan in fear of him hurting your bump. "What's wrong babe? Are you hurt?" Michael questioned in a considerate tone. "Um, no I'm okay." You faked. As he was about to pull your top off you pushed his chest and sat up letting out a stressed sigh. "I'm sorry Mikey, I can't. I'm going to have to tell you, you'd realise anyway but I can't have sex when I'm pregnant, I feel uncomfortable about it. Remember a couple of months back when I visited you on tour because we hadn't seen each other in ages? Well that was the night that I conceived this little joy." You said flustering putting your hand on your belly. "So you're having a baby? Why didn't you tell me? It's- I just can't, I can't believe it." He giggled whilst sweeping his hand through his purple hair. "Oh my gosh Y/N! If it's a boy we shall call him, MICHAEL JR!" He declared passionately kissing you.

Calum: You were Calum's girlfriend, so whilst he was on tour you supported him backstage on every concert. However, today, you weren't feeling too good. Perhaps it's just the Detroit heat you thought. You watched the boys singing their hearts out intently whilst sitting in their dressing room with Lou Teasdale talking about the boys and One Direction. The 5SOS boys had just finished performing the amazing song Beside You. (ADVHTVDDAFHKLHFXWBBO THIS SONG IS LYF) Due to your overloaded happiness, you suddenly stood up to cheer for them when a monstrous strike of pain shot through your tummy. "Ouch!" You screamed landing to the floor clutching your stomach. "Oh god Y/N what's wrong?!" Lou yelled running faster than light towards you. You were bent over in a ball letting out small sobs on the floor. "I'll get some help, you stay here honey, I'll be right back!" She stated patting your back then running off for help. The flood gates opened even more, you were a crying mess, the pains still continued, they felt much worse than period pains. "Oh Calum! Thank goodness your here, Y/N, she's in the dressing room, she needs help!" Lou stuttered. A loud stampede of footsteps were heard running down the hall. You looked up to see Calum sprinting towards you and the other 5SOS boys and a paramedic. "I'm okay, please don't worry, I just have really bad stomach pains." You announced feeling embarrassed. "We still need to get you checked out love." The paramedic guy said. He felt your tummy and looked up at you, eyes wide. "Uh this may sound frightening, but I think you need to go to hospital for a scan, I think I know what's the problem." His voice cooed which made me feel better. "No seriously, I'm okay." You said trying to put on a smile. "No love, you are going to do what the paramedic says, and I'm coming with you. I don't want you to be hurt." Calum stated softly picking you up from the ground and kissing your nose. "I'll drive her there now." The paramedic said. You got into the ambulance and he started the siren. "JESUS, IS THERE ANY NEED FOR THAT! REALLY? I'M NOT FUCKING DIEING!" You screamed in humiliation. "Oh I am sorry." The man mumbled. Calum was in hysterics at your reaction, "Someone's hormonal." He giggled. Once at the hospital, you went in for a scan straight away. As the radiographer scanned your tummy she gasped in excitement. "Guess who's going to be a Mummy and Daddy!" She cheered, a massive grin spread across her face. You and Calum just gazed at each other, shocked. "Here, look at this scan. You see there, well look, that's your two little babies!" "Oh my, so I'm pregnant?!" You exhilarated. "You sure are, with gorgeous twinnies!" She replied. Calum screamed like a girl. "WOOHOO! I'M GONNA BE A DADDY, I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!"

Sorry that these preferences are reaaaaaaaly long 😏 But I hope you guys liked them! Ty for like idk how many reads, but a lot 😘 I'm so glad your adding this story to your reading lists, it means a lot. Ilysmmmmmm 💜

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