What he buys you for Valentines Day

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Tristan: He buys you a bouquet of classic red roses. He also gives you a huge cuddly teddy with your and his name on a heart that it's holding.

Brad: He gives you a signed CD of their new album, some cute chocolates and red lipstick which he finds sexy when you wear it. (A little cheeky that one ;) Hehe)

James: He takes you out to your favourite place to eat and he buys you an iPhone 5s. Despite it being valentines day, you feel like it's your birthday everyday when you're with James.

Connor: He buys you a bearded dragon. You love Rex however you're not as mad on bearded dragons as Con is. He probably will have bought it for himself really ;) He also takes you to the movies and buys you a gift card for your favourite shop.

These ones are kinda cute... The feels *_* Lol

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