Your first kiss

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Brad: You and Brad were best friends for as long as you could remember. You had deep feelings for him and he had them for you too. You were sat on your couch watching movies having a lazy Sunday. It was pouring down outside so you and Brad snuggled up together whilst watching The Notebook. As it came to the romantic kissing part where it pours down, Brad paused the movie and said "Y/N, come outside with me." You said " NO! It's pouring d-" but just before you finished your sentence Brad dragged you outside. You giggled in the pouring rain "What are we doing?" And then suddenly, Brad smashed his lips against yours. After a passionate first kiss, he carried you back into his house bridal style leaving you love struck.

Connor: "Wanna go for a walk Y/N?" Connor said. You and Connor were neighbours and since it was a nice day you said "Sure!" Connor seemed really happy when you said yes. That got you thinking, does he feel the same way about me as I do to him? But anyway, off you two went. Con said "Sooo, where d'ya wanna go?" "How about the park?!" You suggested. "Yayyy, okay" Connor said cheerfully. As you got to the park you strolled around talking about life and stuff. When you brought up the subject of 'Have you got a special someone yet?' Connor came across embarrassed. So to digress from the situation you said "Hey, wanna go on the monkey bars?" Con smirked. You both ran to them like little kids. You and Connor hung upside down and you both giggled. Out of no where Connor kissed you on the lips. You blushed feeling shocked. Because Connor is the cheeky guy he is he leaped off the monkey bars running away leaving a note. The note read 'Call me, (his number) Con x' As he disappeared off into the distance he looked back and gave you a cheeky smirk.

Tristan: You and Tristan were friends. Lately, you have found yourself starting to really really like him. You were at his house in his music room. You decided to play his drums to see what it would be like. You weren't doing it properly, but you were just real bored. Without you knowing Tristan came up behind you and grabbed your hands gently. You had the drumsticks in your small hands whilst Tristan positioned them for you. He showed you how to drum for an hour and taught you Can We Dance. Tristan was hovering over you and then you felt a pair of warm lips on your neck. They led to your lips giving you an amazing first kiss.

James: You and James had decided to do a video on YouTube together as you both had an account. He was round your house so you decided to do little competitions for fun to post on YouTube. First, you had to do his hair. It took you a while to style it to how he likes it, but you did it. Next James said "Now I'm gonna do Y/N makeup..." He didn't have a clue which made you laugh non stop. "Keep still Y/N!" James said between laughs. Once he had finished you looked in your mirror, (he had actually done a good job.) James said "You look beautiful." And with that he cupped your face and gave you a light kiss. You couldn't resist not kissing him back.

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