A Luke Hemmings imagine

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This imagine is for @gellythebest 🌸

You were sixteen years old, almost seventeen. Your life was pretty simple and boring, except for one thing. Your brother was the one and only Michael Gordon Clifford. He played more of a fatherly role to you as apposed to acting as your brother. This was because you'd been hurt by so many boys in the past, he would now make sure he would always be there for you to sort out any stupid guys. Your parents were always out of the house apparently doing 'work related' things. The previous night you were left home alone because Mikey and the three other 5SOS boys went out partying as it was Luke's eighteenth birthday. You were up early and ready the next morning happily eating your breakfast on the couch. You could hear loud plodding footsteps slowly walking down the stairs. It was Michael. He looked seriously hung over and wasted. "Are you okay there Mikey?" You laughed really loud. "You look like crap dude..." You said continuing to giggle. "Thanks." He replied mumbling, his voice all husky. He looked like a total wreck, his purple hair flopped over his face, sick down his black tank top. "Ew Michael, please change out of your filthy clothes, they stink!" You said almost barfing. He just ignored you. "Eughhh. I'm gonna take a shower, please clean yourself for goodness sake." You said before heading for the stairs. "Wait, Angelica!" Michael shouted. "Oh so have you decided zone back in now mr sleepy pants?" You chucked talking to him in a baby way. "Oi shut up mannn." He smirked. "I just wanted to tell you anyways, the lads are coming up in an hour, for band practice." Michael said. "Oh okay." You smiled. You had never really met the boys in Mikey's band before. Leaping up the stairs, you took a quick shower and blow dried your hair whilst sat in your dressing gown. Next you applied a little makeup and chose an outfit for the day. A black chiffon vest top, some light blue tie-dye shorts and a pair of black Dr Martens. You heard a knock at the door and waited to see if Michael answered it. He didn't, because he fell asleep again on the sofa. "Michael! You lazy ass wake up!" You screamed down the stairs. Still not getting a response you ran down the stairs and opened the door. Stood there were three tall handsome young guys. They greeted you with a smile. "Hey, I'm Ash." A guy with a red bandana said. "I'm Calum, you can call me Cal." A guy with big brown dreamy eyes said. "And hey, my name is..." The tallest and most cutest guy said. He seemed to struggle to tell you his name. He got lost in your eyes. "Haha, his name is Luke. Are ya alright there mate?" Ashton joked and friendly punched him on the shoulder. "Uhhh, yeah, I'm um, I'm fine..." Luke said blushing. "Can we come in um." Calum asked pulling a questioning gesture on his face as if he was trying to ask your name. "Oh, I'm Angelica haha. Michaels sister. Unfortunately. But yeah, please come in!" You said which made all the boys laugh. As they entered Michael woke up looking gormless as I don't know what. "Aw Mike, you look rough as dude!" Luke sniggered. "Are we ready for band practice then guys?" Michael said. "Yeah, well us three are, I don't know about you though Michael." Ashton said giving you a grin. You noticed Luke acting really sheepish and he was fidgeting a lot. "Let's get going boys!" Calum exclaimed as they all ran into the basement where they practiced. "Do you wanna come an watch us Gelly?" Michael asked with a slight smile. "Sure, I'd love to! It's better than sitting up here on my own." You said. As the boys and you headed for the basement, Luke lingered behind near you. "Hey... Have you ever seen a video of us playing before?" Luke asked, trying not to make eye contact with you, he looked embarrassed. "Yeah! On YouTube, you guys are good! I've heard Michael sing but that's it. I'm looking forward to seeing you play!" You happily said. Luke just simply laughed and gave you the cutest smile ever. Once they boys had set up, they started to play their newest song Amnesia. You'd never heard anything so sweet, the lyrics were incredible. You hadn't realised Luke was gonna be the lead singer and just watching him singing with passion gave you goose bumps. His beautiful blue eyes shimmering under the light. Once they had finished, you felt tears building up in your eyes. "Wow guys... That was, that was amazing! I love it!" You said giving your brother Michael a hug. You never would have thought they'd be that good. "How about we order PIZZA!" Michael yelled. "AND CHOCOLATE MILSHAKES!!!" Ashton demanded. "WHOOP!" Calum joined in. "Woah guys, chill." Luke said calmly. "Stop trying to act cool in front of Angelica." Ash smirked. "Shut up you little shit!" Luke yelled feeling humiliated. The boys laughed in chorus and ran up the basement stairs leaving you and Luke behind. "Just ignore them, sorry about that." Luke huffed. You giggled at him. "It's okay, your kinda cute aha!" You said putting your hand on his shoulder. "Do you really think so?" He asked looking deeply into your eyes. "Yeah." You replied batting your eyelashes. Luke suddenly pressed his lips against yours holding your waist. You ruffled your hands through his hair as you kissed. The kiss started to get a little too steamy considering it was the first time. You heard sniggering and laughs coming from the top of the stairs. It was the three other boys screaming in hysterics laughing like three year olds. "Jeeze, would you just go away!" Luke said to the boys whilst hugging you from behind. "Sorry, it was funny though." Cal said with a huge grin on his face. "We will give you two some privacy, but I swear, if you do anything to my sister, I WILL SHOVE MY FIST UP YOUR ASS!" Michael warned which made you burst out laughing. You and Luke smiled at each other knowing this would be the start of a perfect relationship. "Oh, and Luke?! Don't forget to use a condom!" Ashton screeched laughing his head off as they all fleeted out of sight.

I am sorry that this imagine is like sooo long 😝 But I hope you liked it! ☺️

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